CT: Dating Advice

Jan 18, 2009 15:21

Patient’s Name: John Sheppard
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Prompt: 48.3 - Just Friends Quote
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 426
Partner: Rodney McKay (canon, non-slash!)


"So, how'd the big date go?" John asked as he and McKay rounded the corner.

McKay's shoulders sagged a bit. "It was terrible. I went in for a kiss, but she wants a hug, okay? Then I get caught in a sort of kiss-hug limbo type thing. I don't know what that is, then I ended up shaking her entire body!" he explained, motioning with his hands.

John raised a brow. "So you gave her a body shake?"

McKay's features contorted into what John always thought of as the scientist's "Revelation Face." McKay closed his eyes briefly, before exclaiming, "Oh, God! I should've just kissed her! What am I doing?"

John shrugged. "It looks like you picked up right where you left off. You're back in the friend zone."

McKay shook his head. "Man, I should just quit while I'm ahead and let Ronon..."

"Oh no you don't," John interjecting as he abruptly stopped, "you were the one that told me you and Ronon talked and agreed to let Jennifer choose which of you she wanted. Giving in now would be bad."

McKay frowned. "How could I possibly compete-"

"By being persistent. You don't gotta do anything but show Jenn that you're into her," John replied, poking McKay in the chest to emphasize his point. "I know you're at least capable of that, seeing as how you managed pretty okay with Katie."

"Right, and look how that ended," McKay grumped.

"You and Katie just weren't meant to be, Rodney," John said, his expression softening. He turned and resumed walking, McKay falling into step with him. "But if you say that this whole thing for Jennifer is different, then...who knows, right? Just try, buddy."

McKay thought that over for a moment before snorting. "Right. So says the divorced serial dater and alien hottie magnet. What makes you so qualified to dispense these pearls of wisdom?"

"Hey, I know I'm not the poster-boy for long-lasting relationships. But what qualifies me is my status as 'friend-of-the-desperately-in-need'."

"I am not desperately in need."

"Then prove me wrong and don't give up."



They both fell silent as they turned another corner and kept walking. They stepped into the transporter and John narrowed his eyes as he regarded McKay incredulously.

"You didn't seriously give her a body shake, did you?" John asked, now slightly horrified by the mental image of McKay shaking Keller.

"Just drop it," McKay snapped, and hit the panel, winking them out of existence and into another section of the city before John could say another word.

canon, couples therapy

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