Home Again... (for river_dark)

Jan 15, 2009 21:04

The wormhole disengaged behind him, and he unbuckled his tac-vest with one hand, his P-90 in the other. His eyes followed Ronon as the Satedan walked off to the locker room, and he made a mental note to talk to him later over a beer. He, however, headed up the stairs to the control room, Teyla and Rodney trailing behind and likewise loosening their gear, where Colonel Carter was waiting for them.

"Anything?" she asked, and John shook his head.

"Nope. Seems our little visit spooked them. Entire place was packed up and deserted."

"Yeah," McKay piped up, clearly miffed. "Not even a lost piece of tech was left behind."

John smiled sympathetically at the scientist, and exchanged an amused glance with Carter.

"Right, well take the rest of the day off, then," Carter replied. "We'll debrief in the morning."

John saluted casually before he ushered Teyal and McKay off to the locker room, where they dumped their gear and then headed off to their individual quarters for showers. Washed, dry and a fresh uniform later had John in the mess hall, trying to pick out something to eat. He opted for a red Jell-o cup and a turkey sandwich, along with a bottle of water and then headed to his usual spot. As he threaded his way through the tables and chairs, he caught sight of one of the new recruits from the last of Daedalus' visits sitting all alone. Her name bubbled up from the personnel file as he nodded an amiable greeting in her general direction.

River Tam. She was a weird one. Then again, he figured one had to be a certain level of weird to be on this expedition in the first place, so it wasn't terribly out of place. She was a quiet one, too, never imposing, just observing. Atlantis was a lot to take in, and all new recruits were given a period of adjustment before being tossed into active duty. He'd yet to run her through the firearms tests to verify that she was checked out on all the equipment, but there was time.

He made a mental note to schedule her for the tests in the next couple of days or so as he sat down at his table and set about tucking into his make-shift lunch. If anything, they'd be something to break up whatever was left of the emotional back-up from the last several days...

[ooc: for those following, this takes place a day or so after the events of SGA 04x03 - "Reunion". Just FYI]

rp thread, river flowing, river tam

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