FIC: Spoiler Alert

Oct 23, 2012 19:21

[This takes place sometime after this and this, but before this. That is all.]

By the time John Shepard returned from PK3-857 he was tired, hungry, and ready for a six-day-long hot shower, the primary goal of which would be to remove as many layers of skin as possible without landing himself in the infirmary. To say that it had been a terrible mission would have been an understatement, and through some miracle he convinced Colonel Carter to hold the debrief the following morning. As it was currently mid-morning, he had time to do the shower thing and change before heading to the mess for lunch, and the speed with which he carried himself to the locker rooms was unbecoming of the ranking military officer on the base. He totally didn't care.

An hour later, he was stepping out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from his hair. The cooler air felt nice on his water-heated skin, and John proceeded to dry off and change into fresh BDU's. He heard them before he saw them, as he bent over to tie the laces on his boots, and the conversation had him pausing in mid-motion.

"She's totally using him," the first voice said.

"Completely," the second affirmed. "And everyone knows it except for him."

The manner of gossip coming from two men, Marines by the looks of them when they finally came into sight, had John wrinkling his nose in confusion. He said nothing, as the pair didn't realize his presence, and John was far too curious to hear what they had to say.

The first Marine, a man by the name of Ryan, continued, "Being the military commander, you'd think he had better sense than that. He's responsible for any and all security breeches, after all."

"No kidding," the second Marine, Eddies, replied with a snort. The shared chuckle carried them into John's general space, and he looked up at them. The two Marines were still smiling as they accessed their lockers. "Morning, Sir," Eddies said, offering a polite nod in place of a salute.

"Sir," Ryan, added by way of greeting.

"Gentlemen," John returned both nod and greeting. When the conversation failed to continue, John couldn't help it anymore. "Couldn't help over-hearing your conversation..." he said, trailing off as he received a horrified look from the two men.

"Apologies, Colonel" Ryan said hastily. "If we'd known..."

John eyed them, and could have sworn that Ryan was blushing. "If you'd known what, Major?"

"If we'd known that you were here, we would have been a little more discreet with our conversation," Eddies supplied.

"And why is that?" John asked.

The two Marines shared a look before Ryan sighed. "Because the latest episodes of Caprica were shipped in with the last mail run, and we know how much you hate spoilers."

John closed his eyes and sighed deeply. He snorted softly and smiled. "No worries, boys. I don't know which she you're talking about, so it'll still be a surprise." John stood and threw a casual salute. "Have a safe mission."

"Thank you, Sir," Ryan said as the pair returned the salute.

John left them to their mission prep and headed to the mess hall. Once there, he joined the line up and tried to not be embarrassed over the sudden rumbling of his stomach at the smell of food. His last meal had been an MRE nearly 7 hours ago, and he was famished.

This time it was two ladies behind him that hailed from one of the science labs who caught his attention with their conversation. Out of the corner of his eye he could make out the lab coats, and figured they'd be heading back to their office to eat while they worked, but the conversation told him that even scientists could talk about non-scientific things:

"Do you think they'll get together?" the first one said. A casual glance back identified her as Catherine Kincaid, one of Zelenka's protégé's.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't by now," the second replied. This one was Lucy Nichols.

"But after all they've been through..." Kincaid insisted.

"Pffft," Nichols intoned. "Propriety forced them to stay apart, but they can be together."

"But what if he's using her? Or, worse, what if she's using him?"

"We all know she's fairly devious, and a hot hand with all that snooping around, but..."

"Excuse me," John interrupted, giving the girls a minor scare. At any other time, he'd be appreciating the colour rushing to their cheeks, but he was a little too curious. "Tell me you're not talking about Caprica," he asked. "I hate spoilers."

The two women blinked rapidly and exchanged a look. "Er, no," the Kincaid said. "The latest episodes from Castle..." she trailed off as John waved her into silence.

"Never mind," he replied amiably. "Sorry for startling you."

John didn't stick around after his had food in-hand and made a bee-line for his usual table. No sooner had he sat down when McKay slid effortlessly into the seat across from him, followed by Ronon and Teyla. The latter two were smirking, while the former was in an even fouler mood than when John had left him at the 'Gate.

Rodney harrumphed, and opened the conversation with, "You'll never guess what I just heard about Colonel Carter and General O'Neill..."

John dropped his fork onto his plate and pinched the bridge of his nose in silent exasperation.

"What?" Rodney asked around a mouthful of food. "It's not like you're the one that's been horridly led on all these years. At least your girlfriend had an extra-terrestrial reason for shamming you and leading you on."

John swore right then and there that he was absolutely going to impose a rule about gossiping if it was the last thing he did.

He hated spoilers.

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skye kitten, fic, rp

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