When Stars Cry Out

Jun 22, 2010 20:06

When Stars Cry Out
Status: Open (Raphael/Trilby)
Date: May 1st, just after midnight
Location: Raphael's room
Summary: Every angel fears Falling. Raphael's fear has always been very, very different...

Raphael had been having nightmares all week, and even though his body didn't actually need the sleep, his corporation needed the rest. He knew full well about how fragile human bodies were, he had just never imagined having one would be like a prison.

In truth, he had tried to obey Gabriel's orders to rest. But as the nightmare continued and became more and more vivid, they became harder to wake up from.

He decided sleep was completely over-rated.

It was for this reason he had several empty cups of coffee littering his bedside table, a bowl of chocolate, and was now trying to focus his attention on writing within the lines of his Journal. It would seem his human corporation insisted on giving in to sleep. He reached over with numb fingers only to find his most recent cup had already been finished off.

Resting his head against his hands he felt his eyes growing heavy.

A cry echoes through the cavern... Blood splatters against stone walls, blue-tipped feathers are yanked from their roots...

"Gabriel!" he cried, yanking against his restraints, not caring that they dug deep into his wrists.

"Gabriel!" Tears were blurring his vision. Each crack of the whip felt as if he were taking the beating himself. Gabriel's anguish cries of pain tore through his own battered body, the tears spilling from his cheeks. "Please stop!" he begged to the massive creature tearing apart his dear friend. "It's not him you want! It's me! Please!"

Raphael started. He blearily shifted his gaze to the digital clock glowing on his nightstand.

Ten to midnight.


Still laying on his stomach, long crimson braid flipped lazily over his shoulder, he picked up his pen and started writing again. He trembled slightly, Gabriel's cries still echoing through his mind.

"What's wrong, Raphael? Why is your Presence so weak?"

"Who did this to you?"

Soft wings ruffled over him, the scent of jasmine filling his senses...

The pain in dark blue eyes as he sees Michael from afar...

Raphael loved Gabriel. Not in the same way Michael clearly loved Gabriel, but he felt a deep compassionate brother love for the Messenger. He was well aware that Gabriel didn't love Raphael as much, but the red-haired Archangel didn't care. He was content to know to hope that some day Gabriel and Michael will stop denying their feelings and fall into each other's arms. Someday...

He thought of Aziraphale, his old mentee, and the edges of his lips curled up. Raphael suspected something was going on between him and the demon Crowley and the fear of what could happen to the Principality was enough to make his stomach curl within him.

11:56 PM.

His eyes sank closed, and the pen dropped from limp fingers onto the empty lined page.


Raphael had been crying out for so long his voice was hoarse. Gabriel had lost his own voice long ago, now hanging from the whipping post looking like the result of a butcher's work. Blood spilled down pale arms, black curls matted with blood.

"Gabriel!" He yanked on his chains, but there was no give. "Ga-"

He inhaled sharply as something jabbed at his aura. A demon -no, his demoness entered the torture chamber, a sadistic smile on ruby lips and a blade radiating with infernal energy. A cursed blade!

He cries out again, throat tightening, as she sauntered over the Messenger's broken body. She turned to grin at Raphael, fangs glinting hungrily. "It was so easy to catch him. So cute, how you care about him so much. You're like a little puppy!"

"Leave him alone!"

But they fell on deaf ears as she plunged the cursed blade into his brother's back, right between the wings. She was even grasping one of the soft white wings, splattered with blood. How dare she touch his wings!

Raphael could only watch helplessly as Gabriel cried out in sheer agony, the blades dark energy tearing apart the Archangel's holy presence. It richoted through the caverns, even the rats skittered away. Damaged wings flapped hard in a useless attempt at defense, but they suddenly dropped along with the piercing cries. There was only silence. Deafening, eerie silence.

"How could you?!" Raphael sobbed, tears spilling down his cheeks. "He's done nothing to you!"

Gabriel! Gabriel! Oh I'm so so sorry...!

He was still sobbing when the demoness and the beast left the mangled shell of his dear friend, hanging limply from the whipping post chained like a piece of meat. Raphael couldn't even go over and hold him, couldn't whisper comforting words to dead ears, couldn't brush the bloody curls aside...

Gabriel... Gabriel! Gabriel! GABRIEL!!

"Gabriel!" Raphael tumbled over the side of the bed, landing hard on his wings. He snapped his eyes open, clutching at his chest, then at what was before him he let out a blood-curdling howl.

Gabriel. Gabriel's butchered shell was lying on his carpet. Glinting eyes shone in the dark- rats, at least three of them, were tearing at bits of skin and blood-encrusted feathers. The blade was still in his back.

"Get away from him!" he hissed, picking up his travelling staff and hurling it at the suddenly-frieghtened rodents. He scrambled over and yanked the knife from his spine, not even feeling the burn electrocuting his weak aura.

Gabriel. Gabriel... Careful not to touch the Messenger's wings, Raphael gently turned him over, cradling his head in his lap as if he were a precious treasure which, to Raphael, he was... He had never felt so helpless, only dimly registering that his healing powers would have been useless anyway. The Archangel's very presence had been destroyed.

Deep, despairing sobs ripped through him, weeping the pieces of a shattered soul. His body trembled violently in the darkness.

He reaches again for the blade and grasps his long braid in his fist. Without another thought he hacked it off, long crimson streams falling to his side like trickles of blood...

He's dead he has a gun he destroyed himself...


The crack of a whip the shot of a gun and there's blood there's blood...

Lightning flashes in an alley...

The Heavens burn
The Stars cry out...

A gun rings out...

A whip cracks...

Nails dig into soft firey wings, slowly drawing blood as he tries to saw through the tough muscle and bone. Clumps of red hair, uneven below his chin and neck, stick to his wet face. The knife's blade burns through his aura but he doesn't care he doesn't care!

Gabriel is dead because of me! He took my punishment! He-

"What happened to your wings?"

Blue eyes are wide as they take in the deep demonic gash in his stomach. "Who did this to you?"

"They have me to answer to..."


Sad blue eyes do not hide the pain of seeing him in such a state. He cleans his wounds, helps him wash away the remains of a crime forever implanted in his mind...

He clenched his eyes shut, more tears spilling onto the Messenger's pale face.

Gabriel would not... he wouldn't want... me like this...

He died... in my place...

He died...

So I could live...

Oh, Gabriel...

The knife dropped to the ground from his numb, blood-slicked fingers. Bringing his now-free arm around he embraced his big brother tightly, glistening tears mixing with the blood on his cheeks and falling from fair lashes, tiny diamond in matted black waves.

He would continue on. Somehow, he would do it... He would live in a way to make Gabriel proud of his little brother and as he embraced the cooling body tightly, he kissed his forhead and whispered his promise in the Angelic Tongue.


trilby (free), .dreamstone plot, .closed, raphael

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