Raphael's Nightmare Begins

Jun 20, 2010 14:18

Raphael's Nightmare
Status: Complete (one-shot)
Date: April 27th, late afternoon
Location: Raphael's room
Summary: For the Dreamstone plot. What could have happened in another world becomes the Healer's greatest nightmare

This is slightly editted from a different fic I wrote. The morbid imagery has been removed to bring the original R-rating to PG-13. The ending is also different.

Staring up at the ceiling the red-haired Archangel sat up, running a hand over the cover of the Composition Book he was now using as a Journal. Already it had a Lucky Cat sticker design ("free with purchase of the Lo Mein meal, or if you get any soup or noodle meals you get this wonderful bumper sticker!") for Gabriel and a gold flower design for Michael. He'd find something to stand for Aziraphale. Sighing he started to open it to write again but instead he slid it over and lay back down. Gabriel had insisted that he rest, so he may as well give it a shot.

He closed his eyes.

* *

The tears that fell from his face fell into the soft clouds misting on his wet cheeks. He was on his face, violent tremors wracking his entire body as he pleaded his case before his Father, begging for forgiveness, for mercy.

But when he looked up, beautiful green eyes shimmering with more unshed tears the sight of Uriel told him his fate had been sealed.

"N-no..." His voice was hoarse from sobbing so hard, wings drooped heavily behind him in miserable angles. Even his robes were rumpled. "Please no..."

"I'm sorry, Raphael," came the whispered reply. The Severer's expression was blank, emotionless. As if cutting off an Archangel from the Divine Presence was like making a note of the weather.

He looked down at himself as his aura around him turned green, leaving his body transparent. Looking up he could see a long green thread connecting his presence to Uriel. No! No no no no! "Please no!" He didn't care that he was supposed to be a mighty Archangel. He didn't care how desperate he was acting. All that mattered was that he was about to be cut off from everything he loved and cherished and breathed...

"Raphael..." For a moment, Uriel's expressionless gaze turned to one of regret, colorless eyes showing what may have been sadness. He slowly drew his sword, the very  reflection of the blade enough the send any angelic being into a petrified horror. "I'll still keep my promise not to tell anyone about the bug incident."

The sword came down, slicing the beautiful green thread.

Suddenly the soft misting clouds could no longer hold him, and the Fallen Archangel began to plummet, his anguished  cries piercing the air.

The fire began at his back, where the friction met him and began to smolder. It ran up his wings -beautiful gold-tipped crimson wings that singed back with the fire that slowly consumed each soft feather. It engulfed him until he was but a burning star streaking across the heavens.

It burned his body, eating away at the Presence that was his very life source...

It tore at his body, burning his wings and his hair and his insides...

There was nothing as painful as Falling...

Nothing at all.

He smacked hard against a stone cliff, richocheting off of it and plunging into the flames that surrounded its base.

The ground was solid, but every inch of it was covered in flame, licking at sensitive skin and tearing at awkwardly-bent wings. He pushed himself up, clawing at the slick stone. He arched his back and let out that scream that he realized he had trapped in his throat. Long fangs glistened in the flickering fire, dark crimson streams freed from its braid to fall before his face like slashes of blood.

A dark shape shifted through the fire, towering over the former Archangel. It seemed to be created from the darkest form of evil incarnate, truly a beast never seen by mortal eyes. The creature gave a sickly grin and, in one swoop, raked its massive claw across the slender body.

It grabbed him by the wings and dragged his now-limp form behind it, long scaley tail swishing in the screaming fire.


Fresh blood oozed from his shoulder, his screaming silenced with the loss of his voice. He could only hang there limply, arms outstretched and bound by chains of molten rock.

The beast only let out a roar of what may have been sadistic laughter. His Cat of Nine Tails whip tore at pale skin with every crack, the tiny chunks of glass and metal ripping his skin. He couldn't tell if the hanging ribbons were pieces of his torn robes or shredded flesh. Trying to block it with his wings had been both painful and useless, ripping off chunks of feathers.

The chains burned as they were clamped around his wrist. The creature forced him to his knees and ripped the fabric of his green robes down the middle, exposing his pale unmarked back.

He shot his wings out defensively, but glass shards and metal chunks tore his feathers from the root.

He cried out in agony until his voice left him.

* *

Jerking in his bed Raphael let out a strangled cry, but the image in his mind was slowly blurring, becoming demented and warped.

It was changing... Red hair was becoming darker, crimson wings were changing to steel... The cry that echoed through the caverns was... was...


Dark eyes turned and stared up at him, blood trickling down his face. Damp curls dangled in front of his eyes. Raphael slowly reached a  hand out, feeling the sheering burn as it touched bleeding skin.


"NO!" he cried out, falling onto the carpetted ground with a loud thunk! He gasped sharply and snapped his eyes open, clutching at his chest as if he were drowning. His robe was soaked and his hair hung down in damp clumps.

It was a dream.

He clenched his eyes shut, tears shining on his cheeks. It was a dream... Just a dream... Gabriel... No! Please... Not Gabriel...

He buried his face in trembling hands and sobbed alone in the darkness of his room.


.dreamstone plot, .closed, raphael

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