Browsing the web, I came across some clips of Cheng Man Ching, my tai chi 'hero'. They took a long time to download (I possibly have held up a few shiploads of gov business in the meantime) but, given my fascination for this person and his art, I feel chuffed to have seen him in action at long last. It's quite a unique feeling to have only ever seen things a sstatic images in books and to have had a few classes from people I never much rated as experts. Mostly, I figured it out for myself so these clips are quite meaningful.
There may well be better sources for these videos (I put the links here only for fanatics); until I find them, I am struck by the 'solidity' of his stance and movements. I know that tai chi should be 'rooted' so, just possibly, I see this in his form. Nevertheless, these are historic pictures, a direct link to Yang Cheng Fu and the 1930s, yet filmed in 1970s New York.
I especially like the push hands, which has an almost 'silent film' quality to it.
Having stopped smoking a couple of days ago, I need something to fill the gaps in my life other than cigarette smoke. Looks like it will have to be qi. *yawns and inadvertently swallows a mouthful of the stuff*
The clips are here: