Mar 03, 2010 22:54
I love browsing through the insane mess of random unorganized unnamed folders and txt files that is my old hard drive. actually, its years of compilation of folders from all my previous hard drives and computers since 2003
it offers an incredible snapshot of what life was like then. I can hardly breathe thinking about it... all the anxiety from those days was quite overbearing. fascinating though.... looking at old saved AIM conversations, cross-referencing them with old lj posts... I was quite an intense little cookie then. I also would just open up the text editor on my desktop and save random things in it, and never label it. Its like christmas time opening up these old files... no idea whats inside. Totally forgot about my dad throwing my computers and montiors across the room until they shattered to pieces, then punching me in a drunken fit of rage. What a douchebag... I tend to forget how much of an asshole he has been my life. Funny how easy it can be to block stuff out. ANYWAYS though
I also found lots of quotes and philosophy documents. Like 'How Nietzsche Outwits Descartes'
So, Chasity... did you ever date a Blake? I have some old document from 2004 that vaguely mentions something about Blake and you....
Oh, and Christina (xtiana)... I have a lj survey I had written entirely about you. like:
"4. How have I affected you?- i cannot listen to incubus without thinking of your smile"
"27. If you could give me anything what would it be?- your very own brandon boyd. to own"
man.... that was ages ago. when we snuck into the apartment pool with mat. and another time with james I believe.
And then theres the picture of a drunk Matt Cloy talking on the phone on Bourbon Street. man.... camera phones SUCKED back then
man... just cant stop browsing through all this. SOOOO unorganized. you can't possibly even imagine