Seven Questions - long delayed response to november_girl

Apr 04, 2012 22:02

1. What's the best gig you've ever been to and why?
That’s a tough one. I think, probably, Roger Waters doing ‘The Wall’. Partly because it was fabulous, but also because I never thought I would see it performed live.

2. Did you grow up in Redditch?
No. I was born in mid-Wales, spent two years in Shrewsbury and then lived in Yardley Wood, Birmingham from 14 to about 18. I was actually away at college in Oxford for the last two years, but was home regularly to get glammed up and go dancing!

3. If you could have a night of passion with one rock star (living or dead now, but
assume resurrection for the event) without any repercussions or guilt, who would you choose?
Just one, hmm. I suspect whatever I answer, I will think of someone else once I have posted this...! I think, I’ll go with Mister Stephen Tyler. Not the most obviously good looking, but I think he’d be, well, good, honest, filty, FUN.
Pepsi Tate might be in the running - I met him when they played the Bierkeller and he was really lovely. If only I’d got rid of the ex sooner...

4. When you were 16, what did you want most from life?
To be happy. I wasn’t, at least not most of the time, and I was developing a dangerous habit of looking for, I’m not really sure what - validation, reassurance maybe, in places where I was more likely to find one-night stands.

5. What will you tell Jack when he tells you about his first crush?
Be yourself, take it slow, be honest and always respectful.

6. What will you definitely not tell Jack when he tells you about his first crush?
Anything about what his Dad (or his Mum come to that) got up to...

7. Car or motorbike?
That one’s easy - motorbike every time. Really must get another one...


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