Good Things No.s 266 - 268

Sep 25, 2010 20:02

266 - Residents not showing up for a meeting today, meaning I had an extra two hours to get stuff done! Of course I will have to re-schedule, but it helped out a bit for today.

267 - Climbing, and an impromptu night out dancing. It is many years since I have set foot in the Bierkeller and very little has changed. There was a guy at the bar who recognised me from when I worked there, 'was that like, 15 years ago?' he said. Yes, yes it was.

268 - 40th Birthday party for a colleague have been up there for a bit with Jack & John and am heading back up later.

ETA - had an ace time sitting round a fire nattering until *ahem* O'clock. I was under orders to stay if I was too tired to drive home - when I told Ruth this, she handed me a bottle of cider and announced that I was obviously going to be too tired!

365 good things, climbing, work

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