The Alien Legacy: Bouncing Baby Betty (Generation one, part two)

Apr 27, 2006 01:34

Hey -- remember her? This is Betty - my new, er, alien baby, apparently. That's pretty weird, isn't it?

Well, that's what I thought, too -- I'm Alex Altair, conspiracy theorist and... apparently, father to an alien baby.

Taking care of a baby is hard enough. Let alone an alien baby. I did a lot of research on what alien babies might like to eat, but finally decided to just experiment as best I could and hope for the best.

Fortunately, Betty doesn't seem to mind standard baby formula.

I put Betty down to rest for the night - she's really a sweet kid, though she's definitely this funny color of green...

I really can't believe I actually had a baby. Me. And from aliens!

I must say it's truly an interesting experience...

And Betty's certainly a sweet little girl, at least thus far. Hmm... wonder if that pizza's still good...

This is me playing with Betty in the morning. She likes being played with, that's for certain. I guess babies like playing, and snuggling, and... well, and food and such. Hm. I need a woman's advice on this sort of thing.

So I asked a neighborhood friend, Christy, for advice on my recent ventures into the realm of parenthood over a friendly round of cards.

She gave me some good advice -- and won some money from me besides. I really should practice more often - I've yet to come out ahead in cards with anyone. Ah well. Card counting is for math majors, I imagine.

Anyhow, she pointed out to me that there's quite a few more unusual things in the neighborhood - and perhaps Betty was just a gift, one that I should take special care with. I thanked her for the advice and sent her on her way before she could win any more of my money... the money's been tight lately, what with my work interruption and purchasing new things for the baby to sleep in and all.

Betty's adorable when she's sleeping. I can't believe how quickly she's growing, though...

And this is Betty as a toddler -- isn't she adorable? Okay, maybe I'm a little prejudiced here...

This is her taking a nap on the blanket I put down on the floor for her. It's starry, like... well, like wherever her mother was from. (I'm her father, birthgiver or not. And if the aliens want to correct me on it, I have a few questions for them while they're at it!)

This is a strange shot... Betty seems to sleep with her eyes open slightly. I wonder why that is?

This is me attempting to teach Betty how to talk. She seems more interested in the bottle, though.

"Bottle", Betty. "Bottle."

She said it back! Wow, she's a fast learner!

... awww... and she called me Daddy!

"That's right, Betty - Daddy!"

We're still working on it -- if you look in the background, you might've noticed I got her a few toys, including this adorable little 'bear' thing from the thrift store.

But sometimes, she just distracts herself... honestly, I have no idea why kids do that, but my Internet research tells me it's normal. As long as she doesn't try to swallow her hand or anything, I guess.

She's a sweet kid -- and I love her. Funny, huh? Now if only I could find a nice girl to love that isn't related to me.

Betty looks so deep in thought - just like her Dad.

I talk to her and play with her, and we're getting along great!

Hm... something just occurred to me. I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow... but who's going to watch Betty while I'm gone?

After some thought, I decided that the best option was to call in a service to take care of Betty while I was at work. It was surprisingly easy. Now I just have to make sure to keep the budget from getting too short to pay them...

Betty's learning fast - although she occasionally tries to eat the blocks, and gets angry when they don't fit just right.

It's time for you to go to bed, Betty. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.

I think maybe I'll take a look at the stars before bed...

(Altair-002 is responding poorly to communication attempts. Will attempt further contact at a later date.)

Ow... what... I can't really remember what happened, but according to the paperboy, a strange flying craft swooped in just a minute ago - in broad daylight - and deposited me on the street. I can't remember any of it, though. How bizarre...

Whew. At least Betty's alright. Looks like she's been waiting for me... I'm glad a social worker didn't hear her and decide to take her away. How do you explain 'kidnapped by aliens' as a valid excuse for leaving your child unwatched?

Betty's looking at me oddly today... I wonder why?

... oh, dear god, not again. This is not good...

Trying to put my mind off of my sudden amnesia and sickness, I decided to teach Betty a few of the facts of life. First, that diapers are not what one should go through life wearing...

Second, that walking is much better than crawling...

And third, that it's not all that abnormal to be green. Betty loves this thing... I wonder if it reminds her of her mother? For that matter, I wonder -- someday, will I remember what happens to me when I'm taken to the stars?

I'm not sure what to think about this experience, but I know that whatever happens, I'm definitely on to something interesting. Tomorrow, though, I have work... and Betty's going to have to deal with a stranger. Here's hoping it goes well...

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