john leaves tomorrow for the start of his egypt assignment... we follow december 21...
i'm not looking forward to being alone for all this time, but i'm also not quite ready to go... yet...
i'm getting there... i'm almost at that point where i just want to get it over with
it's better we follow later. the start of a new position always has a huge learning curve. he'll be so busy we wouldn't see him anyway
i have a good-bye party set up for the kids. they're excited about it
i video taped john reading to the kids so he can still read to them. that may be my lifesaver at points
they can't wait for halloween. even g-man is counting down the days. they're going to miss john... so much... i hope i can be enough
i'm so busy my head is spinning... sorting, sorting, sorting
they've estimated our 40 ft. container is about 40% over. how on earth did that happen? we've already decided to leave a lot of stuff behind. yeah, stuff... it's just stuff... i'm sort of glad to be forced to eliminate stuff. i've been wanting a less cluttered life anyway. this is my chance to try it out
i am printing out some photos for john to take along. i couldn't find any of me i liked, so i turned the camera on myself!
this is me... for him...