Harry Potter questionnaire

Jan 12, 2010 18:57

Hey guys,

So I was just going through another web-log of mine and I found all sorts of strangeness on it, which I absolutely loved!

Among other things, I found this huge Harry Potter quiz/questionnaire which I completely filled out (I must've been bored out of my mind). It's after the 7th book, but before the 6th movie. So enjoy... and I'll be posting something else, too. It's just fantastic to see what my thoughts were back then... my English... my life!
Put the books in order from favourite to least favourite:
(Year 7) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
(Year 5) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
(Year 6) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
(Year 3) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
(Year 4) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
(Year 2) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
(Year 1) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

How many times have you read the series:
Let me think... I've read DH twice already (in English), OotP and HBP a lot of times in both English and Dutch, and the first four only in Dutch. But I am planning on reading them in English too, because I like it that way much more. Anyway, I've read them more times than I can remember.

Favourite chapter from your favourite book:
*gets book* Can I choose more than one? Oh, I will. Let's see...
-Chapter 5: Fallen Warrior, because it's such a moment of anxiety, not knowing whether everyone would return safely... Tonks's and Ron's display of love... George losing his ear and Fred being genuinely shocked. I liked this entire chapter!
-Chapter 6: The Ghoul in Pyjamas: shows such a love and friendship between the trio; Ron behaving awkwardly towards Hermione; meeting Fleur's parents... *sighs happily before going on*
-Chapter 8: The Wedding, for showing a typical magical wedding: for adding a bit of joy in bad times... I think I'll have to pick my favourites more carefully, or the list will be too long!
-Chapter 9: A Place to Hide: seeing how well Hermione prepared everything is just lovely.
-Chapter 10: Kreacher's Tale. Only partly, the first part; until they actually talk to Kreacher. Finding out about Sirius's childhood, and I loved his room. Harry waking up, wondering Ron and Hermione fell asleep holding hands... Shows such a ... well, it's nice.
-Chapter 11: The Bribe. Lupin is just so nice there :) And, very subtle, you can see that their band has deepened: they call him "Remus" instead of "Lupin". I like that =)
-Chapter 16: Godric's Hollow. The whole graveyard-scene and in his old house, before going to Bathilda Bagshot is just wonderful. I was near tears when Harry found his parents' grave, and when that message appeared with his house... Wow. Lovely, touching and yet quite simple. I still have the quote on Lily and James's tombstone in my name: "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."
-Chapter 19: The Silver Doe. Re-uniting with Ron was one of the best moments in the book. Riddle's trick with the locket, ouch! I felt so sad for Ron then. And after that, when Harry said Hermione was like a sister to her... I was near tears again.
-Chapter 22: The Deathly Hallows, simply because of the radio talk!
-Chapter 23: Malfoy Manor. For Ron's clear love for Hermione, meeting Luna and Dean again, the Goblin lying to Bellatrix, and Dobby dying... I really cried there.
-Chapter 25: Shell Cottage. Lupin! Lupin's son! Yay! And a sad tone when he first checked who were in the room before announcing such a wonderful thing! Naming Harry godfather... Looking younger and happier than ever... 'Yes - yes - a boy', said Lupin again, who seemed dazed by his own happiness. Worth something!
-Chapter 29: The Lost Diadem. For hearing all that has been going on on Hogwarts in Harry's missing year: reminding of WWII very much
-Chapter 30: The Sacking of Severus Snape: The teachers's loyalty is touching. Harry using an Unforgivable Curse on Carrow because he's insulting McGonagall is a very nice touch, and just ... I don't know. I really like it, also the way the teachers talk among each other...
-Chapter 31: The Battle of Hogwarts. Here I really got teary-eyed: Fred dying is just painful. And, of course: The Kiss! Absolutely loved that scene. Love in the middle of a battle...*thinks of the song "Love is a Battlefield*. Tonks being so worried about Remus... I didn't particularly like the scene in the Room of Requirement, but it was necessary.
-Chapter 33: The Prince's Tale. Obvious reasons, I believe this is the favourite chapter of many.First finding out Remus and Tonks are dead, too: a clear indication of the cruelty of war. And SO, SO sad... Then hearing Snape's story, which was really a revelation and wanted: his love for Lily is touching. As is this moment: "But this is touching, Severus,"said Dumbledore seriously. "Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?" "For him?" shouted Snape. "Expecto patronum!" From the tip of his wand burst the silver doe, (...) Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears. "After all this time?" "Always,"said Snape.
-Chapter 34: The Forest Again. Harry is just prepared to die, although his heart breaks at the thought. He is prepared to sacrifice himself in order to save his beloved ones. I don't think many people would do such a thing, be prepared for such a thing; Harry was. And seeing his parents, Sirius and Remus again was definitely very nice and comforting. Knowing he wasn't facing it alone...
-Chapter 35: King's Cross. Dumbledore had to come back at some point; I am glad he did here. I'm glad he still had some of his humour. And it was good to find out, throughout the whole book, that he had his mistakes, just like anyone else. He should.
-Chapter 36: The Flaw in the Plan. I adored Molly Weasley, when she shouted: "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" The power she showed... Wow. We got to know her as a real mother, this was a whole different side of her which we've rarely met. And just... seeing everyone fight, the good ones against the bad, showing such a dedication... I don't know, it just touched me. Knowing life will never be the same after this, no matter how it turns out: knowing all these people had found the new energy to fight evil because they thought Harry was dead. And Harry actually defeating Voldemort... His (Voldemort's) last moments were just ... magnificent. Showing him as who he really is.
And such a strange sensation after his death: happiness, obviously, and relief because the biggest threat is gone, but also deep sadness, pain and hurt for those who couldn't live to see it.
Sorry for giving such a huge answer to one question. I think you can now see that I really love this book, and can't give one answer to a question. I think I'll post it in two parts xD
Oh, and there were in almost every chapter parts I liked. For example: Chapter 13, in the Ministry, because I think it's funny (though it's not meant to) how Hermione, Harry and Ron get into situations they obviously don't want to be in. And yet it's very serious, and scary. It really reminds me of the Second World War, and that's not a nice thought.

6 Favourite Characters(random):
• Ronald Weasley - His sense of humour is wonderful, and his way of behaving... Like a ... how d'you call it... total idiot, but showing a deep loyalty towards anyone he thinks deserves it and ability to love; he is brave, funny and very human.

• Remus Lupin - His modesty is great; his history is so horrible, but he turned out great. Not many people achieve that, I think. Always kind, usually calm and realistic. Especially in the seventh book he is lovely: becoming a father did him well, though his problems with Tonks were painful. He is a perfect teacher and mentor.

• Fred & George Weasley - Sorry for counting them as one, but I don't really know their characters apart: so I've got used to them together. Their jokes were a good way of cheering up: but, just like Ron, they have a deep loyalty towards their friends and family, and their heart at the right place. It's so sad Fred is gone now - I'm still not over it. Which is odd, since I know he's a book character. But I can't imagine how it must be like for George. Like losing half of yourself. Horrible. I'm almost in tears now - just by thinking about it.

• Sirius Black - His attitude towards Harry is great, I think. Azkaban has left scars on him, and will always leave them; but he tries to fight them. He feels so guilty about Lily and James's deaths for 12 years. Can you even imagine how horrible that must be? But he doesn't give up; battles on, despite his family and the whole wizarding community being against him. Hiding in order to fulfill his godfather-duty, and ... loyalty once more.

• Ginny Weasley - So cute in the first books; having a crush on Harry... Growing up in a family full of boys must be tough, but it turned out very well with her. I'm very much looking forward to seeing her in the sixth and seventh film!

• Minerva McGonagall - strict and severe, but showing signs of softness and caring all the same. I just love her characters. There's a Dutch saying: stille wateren hebben diepe gronden(oid) which applies to her, I think. I'm very much interested in her history, and I'd like to know more about it. Her loyalty towards Dumbledore and Hogwarts is immense, and her role in book 6 and especially 7 has made me very happy.

3 Least Favourite Characters:

• Dolores Umbridge - HORRIBLE PERSON. I really don't like her. Going along with whoever she thinks is most powerful. Changing Hogwarts into a prison. And doing those things to Muggle-Borns and Muggles in the seventh book... Yugh. That woman won't ever deserve my sympathy, or respect.

• Lucius Malfoy - He's simply evil. Putting that diary in Ginny's cauldron was just despicable. His attitude towards people... Fudge really made a mistake there. How obvious do you want to have it?

• Peter Pettigrew - traitor. Or however you say it - verrader. Betray your friends because you're under pressure. I can understand it, but ... Betray your best friends? Those who accepted you, even though they didn't particularly like you(that's the impression I got)?

Favourite member of the Trio:
Ron, I think. He is what makes the trio. I've read a fanfic, which described it perfectly. But I can't find it anymore... *continues searching* Anyway, it meant that if Hermione was the brains, the smartness, and Harry was the heart/courage, then Ron was what kept them together. Argh. I really want to find that quote! *about 4 hours later and lots of fanfic: Never mind...*

3 Favourite magical creatures(random):

• Phoenix - Such a nice and useful animal...

• Niffler - (if you don't remember: the animals they got in fourth year once, who dig for shiny objects) I don't know how they look, but I can imagine! And in my imagination, they're very cute...

• Dragons- I've always liked dragons =)

Favourite family:
The Weasleys! The Weasleys! I'd love to be part of their family. They're just so... I don't know. Typical. Concerned, maternal mother, father who's well... himself, and I think it's so funny the children get really scared of her mother when she's angry. And so loyal, and not caring what people think of them...*love*

Favourite villain:
Hmm...I think Quirrel, because he was the first, and shows that you shouldn't go on looks. =P

Favourite Death Eater:
Bellatrix Lestrange. Yeah, she's horrible, but she has this thing... I don't know. I really liked how Helena Bonham-Carter portayed her in the film.

Favourite non-Hogwarts magical building:
The Burrow. Like I want my house to be =) Small but cosy. And... magical!

Favourite Diagon Alley location:
Well, I'm not really into this... But Flourish & Blotts, or however it's called, perhaps.

3 Favourite Spells:
• Expecto Patronum. Awesome spell =)

• Accio. Isn't that handy?

• The spell Order members used to communicate. It's not Expecto Patronum, I think, but it's got something to do with it.

3 Favourite Potions:

• Felixis Felicis - obviously

• Polyjuice Potion - must be nice to be able to change into someone else...

• Amortentia - I loved when Hermione talked about it, that each Amortentia has a different smell to each person.

Favourite Unforgivable Curse:
Crucio. It hurts like hell, but then you're released of it, and you KNOW how it feels, so.... Oh God. I can't believe I'm actually defending it. *shuts up*

Favourite Department of Mysteries Room:
I hardly remember it xD Maybe the one with the Time-Turners?

Biggest surprise:
Uhm... Dudley in book 7. I think. I'm not sure at all, actually. Hmmm..*thinks on*

Biggest letdown:
All deaths. 3 of my favourites... But I can understand it. Which doesn't mean I LIKE it. Ouch.

Favourite kind of transportation:
Apparition - handy, easy, cheap - what else do you want?

Favourite Weasley:
How can I ever choose? I like them all. I can just say I've never had much with ... no I can't say that. Well, I think Percy is the one I like least, but I love the way he comes back. And I like the rest a lot, so don't make me choose.

Favourite Order member:
Sirius Black, Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin. And I just love it that all four Marauders(save Pettigrew, perhaps? I don't know) were in the original Order.

Favourite pet:
Hedwig... Stuck with him for at least six years, and having moods and all...

One character you'd bring back to life:
One? One? Why one? =(. Uhm... I can't choose. But I'd go for Fred, because he's just SUPPOSED to be with his twin, completely, wholly, but of course, the Weasley's couldn't get through it completely okay. Or I'd go for Sirius, so that at least ONE of the Marauders is still alive. Although... That may make him sad. He has no youth friends anymore, then... Or Dumbledore. Because the wizarding community needs him. Ministry fell, Death Eaters took over soon after he died, which shows his enormous impact.
I wouldn't bring either Tonks or Lupin back, because they're supposed to be together, too, and not just one of them.

Favourite Harry moment:
Book 7. Him against Voldemort.
And him talking to Ron. Also book 7.

Favourite Ron moment:
The kiss. His rage against Percy in book... 4 or 5. 5, I believe. Malfoy Manor.

Favourite Hermione moment:
The kiss. When she tells she's -how is it called?- done that charm on her parents.

Favourite Ginny moment:
I don't know when it was exactly, but in some book -or more- they talk about her being a strong witch. So strong, that even Fred&George are afraid of her. Go girl! =)

Favourite Neville moment:
When he stands up to Voldemort, saying "I'll join you when hell freezes over", and when he killed the snake.

Favourite Luna moment:
Uhm... Pretty much everything. She's just a wonderful character, with her odd comments. Maybe how she acts in Malfoy Manor...

Favourite Snape moment:
"Look...at...me..." Cruel, because it was his last moment. But I never exactly loved Snape. And in his memories, he's quite nice, too =) Maybe that part of "After all this time" "Always", too.

Favourite Dumbledore moment:
King's Cross. Talking to Harry. And still having his humour, and still being able to show emotions. Wow.

Favourite Voldemort moment:
Final Battle, I think... Not sure, though.

Favourite Sirius moment:
When he explained to Harry about the Order in book 5. And when he called Harry "James", in film 5. I just LOVED that part.

Favourite Weasley family moment:
Christmas, summer.. Can't choose.

Favourite Draco moment:
When Hermione punches him. But in his favour, when he tries to kill Dumbledore

Moment that will always make you cry:
Dobby's death.
The hospital scene in book 6, with Fleur/Bill and Tonks/Lupin
When Sirius called Harry "James" in the fifth film.
Snape's story.
Malfoy Manor, when Ron was screaming for Hermione.
The locket and Ron.
and more. I didn't actually cry at these, but I would have.

Favourite Hogwarts room:
Gryffindor Common Room

Favourite class:
Defense against the Dark Arts when Lupin was the teacher. And Arithmancy sounds interesting...

Favourite teacher:
Professor Lupin. He was the best DADA teacher they ever had and he is easy-going and seems nice to talk to.
And Professor McGonagall - Just lovely, the way she is. See above.

Favourite DADA teacher:
Professor Lupin, no doubt

Least favorite teacher:
Professor Umbridge - see above. Yugh.

Favourite non-human Hogwarts resident:
Fawkes and Peeves.

Favourite Hogsmeade location:
Honeydukes of course! *dreams about it*

Favourite Triwizard Champion:
Viktor Krum. His accent is lovely, and his way of behaving is too. In the film he is portrayed quite differently from the books, but not worse at all.

Favourite Triwizard Task:
Last one.

Which character you'd ask to the Yule Ball:
Ron, I think. I would love to see him embarrassed *is cruel*. And yes, I'd love to dance with him, too.

Which character you'd like to use a love potion on:
Ron... But I'd feel sorry for him.

Which character you'd like to use Veritaserum on:
Snape, but it would spoil all fun! Hermione maybe, because it'll be fun to see her differently for once... Ron, for the same reasons. Dumbledore... Can't choose again

How long have you been a HP fan:
Hmm... Since I was ... 10? So that's since 2003.

Favourite wizard rock band:
NO idea. Only heard of the Weird Sisters...

Number of midnight releases have you attended:
None. Grrrr. Wanted to, though.

Favourite HP website:
sugarquill.net, fanfiction.net, mugglenet.com

Favourite podcast:
Got no idea. I've once downloaded one about a boy who thought he was HP, but I couldn't watch it because my computer crashed.

Favourite fanartist:
Too many to mention

Most ridiculous Potter theory you've heard:
Snape/Hermione or Hermione/Draco, or such a thing.

Character you're most alike:
Hmmm... I'd say Hermione. But I don't know, really. Ask someone else =)

House you think you'd be sorted into:
I hope Gryffindor. I've done some of these tests, and they say either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, mostly.

Your patronus would be a:
How would I know? Uh, a cat maybe? I hope it wouldn't be something like an ant... xD

Your boggart would be:
Honestly don't know.

To you, Amortentia would smell like:
Fresh bread, and that's all I can think of right. I'm getting out of it, I believe...

You'd use Felix Felicis to:
Have a nice day! *sings*

What job would you most like to try:
A Healer or an Auror. Two most different jobs, but still.

Which would you rather see - a sequel or a prequel:
Good question... Prequel, I think. But I'd love both. I've read both. Long live fanfic!

Put the movies in order from favourite to least favourite:
(Movie 5) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
(Movie 3) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban/
(Movie 4) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
(Movie 2) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
(Movie 1) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Actor most like the book character:
Alan Rickman/Snape, who is just wonderful. Rupert Grint as Ron, with his way of talking and sense of humour...*smiles* Richard Harris as Dumbledore(in film 1 and two). Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid - lovely.

Actor least like the book character:
Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, in films after 2. Sorry, but he's too busy. Richard Harris was just serene.

Favourite movie set:
Order of the Phoenix

3 Favourite lines from movies:

• "It's kind of exciting, isn't it? Breaking rules?" "Who are you and what have you done to Hermione Granger?" - Emma Watson/Hermione Granger and Rupert Grint/Ron Weasley OotP

• "Good one, James" -Gary Oldman/Sirius Black OoTP

• "How could anyone figure that out...that's mental" -Daniel Radcliffe/Harry Potter GoF

Favourite movie scene:
Department of Mysteries

Favourite scene in the movies not included in the books:
Grawp Scene! Put.Me.Down. Great!

Scene you were most disappointed didn't make it into the movie:
More Grimmauld Place!

harry potter life

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