Lindsay and I spent part of the week-end researching and setting up our very own
vermicomposter! We were going to just buy a fully prepared kit, but the only place I could locate one was in Bradford, and would have cost over a hundred dollars! Instead I went to Canadian tire yesterday and bought a couple of Rubbermaid containers, drilled some drainage holes, and voila! Vermicomposter! Today, while I was at church, Lindsay went out, bought worms from Grassroots, and prepared a bed of shredded newspapers, dirt, and crushed egg shells (to keep the PH level down apparently).
We've been wanting to do this for some time as there's no green-bin program for apartment dwellers like us, so all our organic waste has, until now, been needlessly shipped to a Michigan landfill. Hopefully we can keep our worms happy, healthy, and hungry.
Worms & stuff in their milk-container home, before being transfered to our composter
The almost final product: