Apr 15, 2013 17:10
It hit me. One of the reasons why we keep going when things are tough, when we suffer a loss or hurt.
It was so obvious.
It's all about relationships.
When we sin or are sinned against, it is not only the sin that stands in our way, in our hearts, in our minds. It's the loss, it's the breakdown in communication, the fracturing of a bond of trust and faith. It shakes up what we thought we knew about that person, what we believed about that person and the world in which we operate and live. It makes us think things were a lie. And so we hurt. We suffer. We try to figure out where to go next, what to do with it all. Because a relationship has been broken in some form. And the reason we get through it is because we are made to be in relationship.
We are made to be with one another. We are made to be with God. So the reason life goes on- the reason we get through it- is that pull. It's in our very makeup.
When Adam and Eve sinned, they heard God looking for them in the Garden. Genesis says they 'hid themselves from the presense of the Lord God.' Sin broke their relationship with God in the place He created for them to be with Him. And not only did it break their relationship with God, it broke their relationship with each other. Use your imagination for a second - imagine if they had acknowledged their sin before God- not lied about why they hid or pointed blame. Imagine they ran to their Lord, their friend, who they had been walking with in the Garden; imagine they had run to Him and repented. Their relationship probably would have stood the test because their sin would have been before them and God could have taken it and been with them, moving from sin and hurt into forgiveness and truth.
I believe the body learns to cope because it yearns to be in communion. It learns to adapt because it yearns for more. It can meet the change because we need to be in relationship. It can meet the hurt because when things are brought into the light, when our sin is before us, we can repent and God can step across the gap. It can move on because Jesus died for us and our sins so that they are no longer weighing us down, stopping us being in relationship with Him and each other. The power of the darkness is just that - darkness- over lives, hearts and relationships. He is light breaking through - WHY? - because He wants to be with us. And he wants us to be with each other.
And when our sin is before us, it is brought into the light. We are set free. What is on the other side of that is exactly what you were looking for - relationship in truth, love, joy and LIFE! That's what happens to the mourning, the hurt, the feelings and emotions. Mourning to dancing, an EXPLOSION of life and joy, lies replaced by truth and faith being restored. That's beauty in action.