I've finally caught up with White Collar and Chuck and I have things to say.
White Collar
First --- how damn pleased was I to see Diana back? PRETTY DAMN PLEASED. I did this --- \o/!
Last --- that ending scene was amazing. I was choked up. I seal-clapped. My eyes turned into giant hearts. Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay are kind of a big deal. I basically love the writers for letting us have this. Clearly, clearly we are meant to believe in Peter and Neal's love and I do.
I wish I was more into threesomes than I am, because I also love El and I never want to think of a world in which she's written out --- so I guess I'll have to believe in a platonic Peter/Neal love, which is hard when they have so much physical chemistry. But as I said, I am not into threesomes, can't wrap my head around them. Sigh.
I don't for a second think that Kate's dead. I'll confess that this particular mystery is beginning to wear thin for me. We don't have enough information to judge for ourselves whether she can be trusted, and I want to know.
I am really looking forward to next season.
I wasn't sad to see Kristen Kreuk go, because she's cute and all, but there wasn't enough character development for her to mean much to me. However, Brandon Routh can stay, because I'm surprised by how much I like him and his character, considering he's kind of been crowbarred in there. I feel like his role is in some way to replace Bryce, and, much as I love that Matt Bomer is doing so awesomely in the aforementioned White Collar, I sort of adored Bryce.
I appreciated the little nod to the Chuck/Casey fans a couple of episodes ago. That's something that's been missing for a while, and it was nice to see them in that light again. I'd forgotten how much chemistry they have. I am well over Chuck/Sarah by now, though. It isn't them, I like them, I am just so sick of the show concentrating on them so much. It's always been its biggest weakness, and considering the amazingness they could do with Chuck being able to flash, I'm confused as to why the writers still use it as a driving force for episodes. I watched episode 1.07 earlier today and it was refreshing to have an episode that wasn't all about Chuck and Sarah's tragic never-can-be love (and instead have one about Chuck and Bryce's. Heh.)
But mostly I want to talk about 3.09 and how very, very much I am in love with Morgan. Because, seriously? I am SO IN LOVE with Morgan Grimes. He's --- Oh! I want one of my very own. I actually had tears in my eyes because of his excellence. I've felt for a long time (like, a season and a half) that we haven't had enough Chuck-Morgan interaction, and this episode made up for it. He had the very best reaction to finding out about Chuck's spyness. There is a reason he's Chuck's best friend. He's awesomer than Awesome. (How much do I love Ryan McPartlin for the depths he shows as Awesome, though? A lot.)
All in all, I am enjoying the show, but I constantly have a nagging feeling that it can be better.