OK! OK! I'll floss more often too!

May 30, 2010 20:51

I got a Wii Fit Board.
The first time you use it, you step on and it weighs you, measures you, and apparently probes your psyche to determine what best motivates you.

After the exam, (after removing my feet from the stirrups - damn those Japanese are thorough), my "Mii" character suddenly sprouted big hips and the Wii Board started scolding me about my weight.
Um ... is this supposed to be *motivating*?

Next came a 'Balance Test'.

I haven't taken a ballet class in a few years. I've been working like a dog trying to justify over $100K in law school debt, plus - I'm getting old, so I didn't do so hot on the "balance test." You know what that cheeky little bastard said to me? "Do you find yourself tripping over things a lot?" Then it giggled.
I am not kidding.

So I do the "Basic Step Class"

(and here's a side story - when we got the Wii for the kids a couple of Christmases ago, they had a grand time creating "Miis" - the little characters that 'play' the games with you. Of course you make one for yourself, then you can make-up and name as many as your imagination allows. There are even web sites that show you how to make Mii characters of all kinds - politicians, historical figures, cartoon characters, etc.,
So I start the "Basic Step Class' and there "stepping" next to my Mii is "Jesus", "Hitler", Sarah Palin", a zombie, a shark ... Nice.)

Through the session the Wii Board gets nicer, telling me what a good job I'm doing, "keep up the good work", etc ..., and we end things on a good note.

It's about a week before I can pull the Board out again and when I step on - it lets me have it! I get a good 'talking to" - "Where have you been?" "You need to visit more often!" "What have you been eating? That skirt looks a little snug" "You need to get more exercise!"

This thing has become my mom.

"Ok! OK! I'll visit more often! and yes, you're right - when I do what you say I *do* look and feel better!" Geeezzz!

I've become a whiny, sullen teenager again.

(but my hips are smaller. Damn it.)
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