Post this on your status if your ass is getting big!! (upload pic)

May 29, 2010 15:27

Facebook is great and all but there's no space to *write*. No space really for creativity. It's the McDonald's of social networking. Mass marketed for instant gratification with hidden and addicting high fructose corn syrup. Speaking of fast food, I *told* DH that I've got to cut my carb intake and what did he just do?
No, worse than McDonald's - he just brought home a box of 24 Krystal burgers! (Krystal is the White Castle of the south) Those tiny gray burgers are so hideous I can't stay away from them - like watching a train wreck, or the Anna Nichole Smith Show. Soooo awfully good. He hates me. I'm convinced. If I check that Walmart bag and I see ice cream I'm gonna scream. And sit down to a big bowl ... mmmmm 'Jamoca Almond Fudge' my favorite. I have no willpower. Think I'll go update my Facebook status.
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