20th Gryffindor Note [Voice/Action]

Aug 24, 2010 09:03

I'd like to apologise to anyone I spoke to last week. I seemed to have believed that magic didn't exist and probably confused and upset a great number of you. I feel normal again, and if anyone needs anything at all, particularly magic- [She says it with a hint of amusement in her voice.] -I'd be happy to do what I can. I hope none of you suffered ( Read more... )

time to relax a little, .xion, perpetual fml for everyone, au with no magic, whyyyyy, my life is a sitcom, things never end well for us, .tsuzuki, .hisoka, event time

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[Filtered/voice] purpledemoneyes August 24 2010, 16:12:42 UTC
I'm going to be okay. Thank you, Hermione. You don't have to worry.


[Filtered/voice] loyalotter August 25 2010, 00:13:38 UTC
I'm really glad to hear it. I wish I could have actually been some help. [Even if he did scare the crap out of her at times.]


[Filtered/voice] purpledemoneyes August 25 2010, 00:41:42 UTC
It was a good thing you stayed safe, I think. I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt. [At least she didn't see what he did in the kitchen. Unless she asks Draco for information, that is.]

If only there was a spell to keep demons from taking control of your mind. It's just my luck that there's not.


[Filtered/voice] loyalotter August 26 2010, 19:33:13 UTC
I wouldn't have been able to handle it without my magic. [Because she totally can now... and asking Draco might happen. Who knows.]

I don't know. Is that what happened?


[Filtered/voice] purpledemoneyes August 27 2010, 03:20:48 UTC
Are you sure? You strike me as a very clever girl. [Be careful, if she finds out she might develop sympathy for Hisoka or something. ;)]

Well. I think so. It felt like it.


[Filtered/voice] loyalotter August 27 2010, 14:40:07 UTC
I am normally- [Hello, that sounds like pride in her voice. Thanks for the compliment.] -but without believing that the magic exists at all, I couldn't do much. [Perish the thought!]

...I'm sorry. I'll try to research as many things as I can to find out if it's possible to block something like that.


[Filtered/voice] purpledemoneyes August 28 2010, 21:34:49 UTC
I'm sure you could have done something, you'd just have fewer options.

You'd really do that? [Baffled.] Thank you.


[Filtered/voice] loyalotter September 1 2010, 01:03:22 UTC
I suppose so.

Of course. You're a friend. [there's no shaking her now, Tsuzuki.]


[Filtered/voice] purpledemoneyes September 1 2010, 11:40:19 UTC
Still, I'm glad you ended up seeing the magic in your life. It seems like it opened your heart.

Hermione. That's really -- thank you. [That's good, because Hermione has managed to endear herself to him forever for offering that. Tsuzuki vwould have swept her up in a hug for it.]


[Filtered/voice] loyalotter September 2 2010, 19:58:42 UTC
Well, it gave me more to do, that's certain.

[The hug would have been awkward, but she wouldn't have minded that much. There's a note of fondness in her voice when she continues.] You're welcome. I'll let you know if I find anything.


[Filtered/voice] purpledemoneyes September 3 2010, 11:25:34 UTC
Let me guess, you have to look after some of your friends?

[Tsuzuki hugs people a lot, since he's very tactile. Like a puppy. But he won't do it more than once if he realizes she thinks it's weird.] Thank you, Hermione. You'll let me know if there's anything I can do in return, right?


[Filtered/voice] loyalotter September 4 2010, 15:12:50 UTC
Keep them from forgetting their homework, or getting too many detentions, or losing too many House points. [Or dying as the case may be.]

[She wouldn't mind once she got to know him just a little more, especially once she figured out he likes that sort of thing.] Of course. [Which pretty much means, no, she's just doing this because he's a friend.]


[Filtered/voice] purpledemoneyes September 23 2010, 19:37:40 UTC
They would probably be so lost without you. What are house points, Hermione? [Tsuzuki thinks houses means Luceti-style houses, scattered around town.]

Good.[He wouldn't mind opening up and sharing some secrets with her, since she's kind to him.]


[Filtered/voice] loyalotter September 24 2010, 17:53:15 UTC
I've certainly helped them, but it's all right. I don't mind. [Oh, right.] There are four Houses at Hogwarts, which every student is Sorted into before their first year. Harry, Ron, and I are Gryffindors, though the hat thought about placing in me Ravenclaw. Malfoy was a Slytherin. Neville was also Gryffindor, and Luna was Ravenclaw. Poor Hufflepuff rarely gets any sort of recognition... and the one time they did, their champion was murdered by Voldemort.

[Oh, right, she got sidetracked.] Over the course of the year, students earn or lose House points based on answering questions in classes or troublemaking. It's a way to keep students in line, though it never seemed to work for Ron's brothers, Fred and George. Honestly, I think they ended up losing half of the points I won ever year.


[Filtered/voice] purpledemoneyes September 25 2010, 13:52:03 UTC
So the houses are like different schools inside the one big school? Or places you live when you're not having classes?

School points sounds like they work like my pay. I always manage to get paid less if I don't do as my Chief wants to.


[Filtered/voice] loyalotter September 25 2010, 14:54:41 UTC
They're more like your family within Hogwarts. You'll have teachers from all the Houses teaching classes, but you'll go to classes with students from your House who are in your year. Usually classes will have two Houses of the same year in class together and it's never the same. For instance, Gryffindor usually has Potions with Slytherins but Herbology with Hufflepuff. Professor McGonagall is Head of Gryffindor, so she's our ultimate authority, and she teaches all Transfiguration classes. Professor Sprout is Head of Hufflepuff and she teaches Herbology. Of course there are two other heads for the other Houses and many other teachers who aren't Heads of House.

[Leave it to Hermione to give a long explanation for a simple answer.]

It is sort of like a real job. But at the end of the year, the House with the most House points wins the House Cup. So there's incentive to have the most points at the end.


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