Oct 02, 2009 14:35
As the subject says this is going to do some updates on things and a few rambles. So bullet points! :D
-Grandpa news: he's getting let out of rehab on Wednesday, but will be going to a 24-hour assisted living facility. He's pretty wheel chair bound and our house would need major work to bring him home, and his insurance will help pay for the first x-amount of days, especially if he keep progressing in therapy. So...it's kind of a waiting game. If things don't improve he'll be in the wheel chair for good and things will have to get figured out.
-Looks like my Aunt will be coming up for the weekend of the 16th to see my grandpa. I'm looking forward to seeing her.
-My finger's doing better. I'm keeping it wrapped so I don't catch it on anything and its gotten to the point it's not tender anymore. Which is nice. I even used the knife I cut myself with to cut bread this afternoon ;) So looking like things are back to normal.
-It's Friday *happy dance* Though on my first day to sleep in after a week of feeling run down I woke up 30 minutes after I would have had to get ready for work o.O Then I tried doing chores and completely mixed up the laundry stuff *face palm* It's been really cold here this week so I went and curled up under my blankets while the wash was going, my kitty came to cuddle...we took a nap :) I feel better knowing I got some extra sleep.
-No lunch date today, so I finally heated up left over pulled pork and had a little sandwich. Will have a little left over soup with it shortly. Don't want to eat too much cause I might be going to dinner tonight and I really want popcorn at the movies...which goes into the next bullet *g*
-Zombieland tonight!!!! :D Going to a 10pm showing *happy dance...busts out the zombie hoodie*
-I found a new anime soundtrack I really like - Nana. I started watching the series from Netflix. Some aspects annoy the hell out of me but I LOVE the rocker Nana character and her storyline. The music is pretty damn awesome too.
-I have 2 poems due on Monday. I already have one done, so just need to work on another over the weekend - which isn't as bad as having both to do.
-And lastly - furniture delivery tomorrow, *crosses fingers*