Last but not least, a few photos we took "for funzies" before, during, and after our adventures at Karaoke Joe's room party. Also posting these, and the Supernatural-related pics at
Some behind the scenes shots of Crowley with 'his' shirt off! That binder is AWESOME!
It may be time to cut Aziraphale off from the alcohol...
So happy together! And yes, Aziraphale is wearing makeup. You'll see why shortly.
Crowley getting into the Karaoke spirit!
You can see a stray Azi-wing in this one.
Ready to go!
Oh, THAT'S why there's makeup... Girl!Aziraphale FTW!
Girl!Aziraphale singing to Coldplay's "Fix You" and winning 3rd place in the Karaoke contest!
And that, sadly, is the end of the photos. Hope you've enjoyed our shenanigans! <3