CONvergence Cosplay: Aziraphale & Crowley PART #2

Jul 22, 2010 00:22

As promised, more Aziraphale and Crowley cosplay photos! Most of these are the really good ones we took up in the hotel room. I brought props, the lighting was good, and there was this lovely chair and table set. We were really pleased with how these turned out. My friend Monica was behind the camera for most of these.

A preview of sorts:
(Just the props.)

This one isn't nice or professional at all. We look a bit drunk and debauched here, actually. I like it, though. Check out Crowley's sexy hat!

Reading our favorite book, of course!

Not sure what that look is for. XD

Crowley might be falling asleep, while Aziraphale has found a nice new arm rest.

Same as last, mostly, but with a different angle that includes our table setup.


A very nice portrait shot of our Crowley! That pink thing coming out of the back of 'his' head is Monica's purse. XD

You can't see the drawings in our hands very well, but I liked our faces in this one.

There we are.

A closer look at the drawings.

Our dear friend Mark Stegbauer drew these for us. Isn't he talented?


Tea for two!

"What's over there, Angel?"

"Ah, yes, I left my copy of the book over there. Thank you, my good chap!"
"Anytime, Angel."


"Might I tempt you to an apple?"

"I really shouldn't my dear. That's what caused all this dreadful business in the first place, is it not?"
"Come oooonnnn..."

"Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt..."
"That'sss the sssspirit, angel."

I guess we're going to share it!

Trying not to laugh here. XD

Crowley looks fascinated.

That apple is feeling SO violated right now.

"Are we just going to lick the apple, or are we actually going to eat it?"

"I'd rather be licking YOU, Angel!"


Crowley decides Aziraphale needs some help grooming.

Aziraphale looks deeply affronted by this comb.

"Don't be such a baby, Angel."
"My wings aren't THAT bad!" p_q

"Now, that's quite enough! What's wrong with my hair?!"


There was this lovely archway under the stairs in the hotel.


"Would you care for a Jelly Baby?"

For more pics, including some Supernatural Cosplay Crossover photos, check out my posts on spn_omens!

cosplay, crowley, aziraphale

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