Both Odd and Even

Apr 03, 2006 14:04

So I wrote something a bit longer. More of a fic than a ficlet; pertinent info below. The link at the bottom will take you right to it. :-)

Rating: Somewhere around hard R.
Pairing: Crowley/Aziraphale.
Disclaimer: Not my characters, though the world looks strangely familiar... Anyway. They belong to Gaiman and Pratchett, and I promise I'll tidy them up when I'm finished.
A/N: You all knew I'd get to the smut writing sooner rather than later, didn't you? My first attempt at coding footnotes, so please forgive any mistakes in that wise. Feedback welcome. The title is from a snippet of poetry: Many a kiss, both odd and even; / many a glance, too, has been sent / from out the eye's firmament; / Many a jest told of the keys betraying / this night, and locks picked; yet we're not a-Maying. (Robert Herrick, Corinna's Going a-Maying.)

Both Odd and Even

fic, dead links

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