Title: Outtake #1 (missing scene from
The Walls, the Wainscot, and the Mouse)
Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley
Rating: NC-17 (unavoidable, given the part on which this elaborates)
Notes: Henceforth, Outtakes are a different class of ficlet from Extras in
Crown of Thorns 'Verse, as it's possible I'll do more Outtakes in future that fit within the framework of the sequence's existing longer pieces. To tell you the truth, I'm glad those of you who
natter at and with me on Twitter thought this sounded like a good idea, because it's something I've questioned myself on at numerous points in the past. The first-time scene in WW&TM is Aziraphale's viewpoint on only part of that evening's proceedings, and although the morning-after scene is from Crowley's POV and gives us a bit of how he feels about all of this, well, there's a gaping hole where the rest of that crucial first night should be. I felt on first writing the story that including everything I envisioned as happening there would have been gratuitous and/or set the story off-balance. Hopefully, I've come far enough now on this 'verse that sticking my nose in wherever and whenever I please is justifiable.
Summary: For best results, read
WW&TM up through the section ending Aziraphale squeezed his eyes shut, swallowing a burst of amazed laughter, holding him closer still, calming him. Safe. (and then read this, and then onward as normal).
Outtake #1: The Walls, the Wainscot, and the Mouse)