Title: Rip Tide
Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley
Rating: PG-13 or R (more blurry than usual)
Notes: This prompt actually came last in the poll, but I'm going to pull the writer's-prerogative trump card and move it up, as Aziraphale/Crowley and something to do with Mont Saint-Michel is a prompt inherently dear to my heart (if only because it combines one of my most favorite places in the world with one of my most favorite couples). The last few prompt fills, although they can be read as stand-alones, have been set in
Crown of Thorns 'Verse; this prompt is the last of the current lot from which I'll be crafting another short "Extra"-type ficlet in this vein (because the next time I visit CoT, which I hope will be within a few weeks' time, it'll be to write a full-length story along the structural lines of The Walls, the Wainscot, and the Mouse and What to Do When the Clock Just Stops in order to cover Adam and Sophia's wedding). Therefore, this ficlet is not so much a stand-alone within the 'verse; it draws on information given in previous stories and ficlets (see the master post as linked just above for where it falls in the overall order; put simply, it follows
Addendum: Look, this was supposed to be very short, but it hit 3,000 words and has a couple of accompanying photographs (linked in the text); it also contains an unexpected sub-plot dealing with the early Middle Ages and the Arrangement, plus a rogue Geoffrey of Monmouth reference. Surprise!content at its most maddening.
Summary: Telling, when you found that you needed a holiday after your holiday.
Rip Tide)