The way things are now.

Oct 09, 2012 01:36

You may have noticed that there was no story update this week. To be frank I only just realized this myself. The life-splosion I have been dancing around for a while has been joined by a friend and the two of them are proceeding in company. My Seth is having a hard time right now, pre midterm studies are at a peak point for my school, and my closest friend is going through a really horrible life phase. I gotta admit that all I did today was drag my sorry butt to class and home again where I promptly chugged a banana and some Advil and passed out for several hours.

For the next few months I will be doing a lot more husband hovering than usual, I will be on call for that friend even if she gets sick of me, and I will be sleeping as much as humanly possible. I apologize ahead of time for the inevitable disruptions that will cause to the posting schedule and the frequency of my ridiculous mid week stuff. This week I am going to let myself have a vacation. I have to be human sometimes, and I have to let that be okay. So if all goes well and I don't have to spend the next weekend with a box of tissues and a shotgun we should be back on the normal posting schedule for Tentacle Punk. I think that means we get to meet Wilbur and his favorite Iron maiden named Cecelia.

Think me up some good thought for the next few days. See you on Monday.
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