Oct 02, 2012 23:50
People keep asking "How are you?" In that vaguely sincere way people do when they want you to believe that if you say it's awful and start crying they would hug you and bring you coffee till it got better. What they would actually do(if they had balls) is look shocked and blurt out that they didn't really mean it and could you do that else where. So basically it's common manners. I have only one problem with the whole interaction, I have no idea what to say.
Lately I have really not been okay. Coping yes, but not okay. I have never been a happy perky worker bee so that one is right out. Still alive or vertical is my stock answer. While accurate that may be my biggest achievement of the day for the last couple weeks and having the generic "oh, well good then" response is fiercely annoying. I keep wanting to grab them (gently) and shake back and forth while shrieking "I'm awake, out of my house, fed, and my clothes are on right side out and they kinda match. I brushed my hair, washed, and even mastered driving to get here all for you to make disinterested noises. Praise me, lout!"
I must stress that this course of action would be in bad taste. Even possibly considered rude, but at an art school it's hard to tell. You never know when someone is making performance art. A few good clues are to check for any kind of camera, clothing more unusual than can be scraped out of the good will bins, or dialog that makes significantly less sense than normal. None of these can clinch it for you but if you hit all three it's a good bet.
Sigh. So. I still can't really say anything much... That's not fair since I keep whinging at you guys and you so patiently put up with me. I really appreciate that by the way. Having a place to vent is more helpful than a prepaid rum of the month club.
So...about that cupcake I keep saying I owe you....What would you like it on? I can do anything on zazzle or Cafepress. And I have this awesome cupcake just sitting on my hard drive, you know for those days when you just need a cupcake.