Another long day at the J. Blergh. I'm realizing how unfond I am of staggered leaving schedules. I'm also not fond of having only one polo to wear. I have to wash this fucker every morning.
Still haven't washed up yet, I'm almost too tired to do it, but if I don't I'll feel positively disgusting. *sigh* Oh, laziness. How you try to sway the rhythm of my life.
I really need some time off. I'm in desperate need of sleeping in for a few days, not dealing with sunscreen and pool rules and immature guards that I'm having to corral. I want to sit down and write and enjoy my own goddamn pool sitting there abandoned in my backyard. I want to unexpectedly drop by my friends houses. And not at 10:00pm at night. I want to be able to text a friend in the middle of the day and not say, "No, I'm not off work for three more hours."
At the same time, I want money in my account because I'm a shallow, shallow person who is a material girl in a material world.
Back to the writing font; I miss inspiration. Striking unexpectedly in the form of an image that must be written down immediately, it's too perfect to lose and just a random snippet of something that reminds me why I am an English major getting a degree in teaching that will hopefully transition into Library Science. Like, for fuck's sake, I say I want to be a novelist -- I should be writing a helluva lot more!
Lastly, not being on the internet for extended periods of time (excluding the couple hours I get on at night to peruse my flist/catch up on comics/stalk people's tweets) leads me to not be listening to Pandora so much anymore, which leads me to forget how much I still like Death Cab - even though Zach doesn't respect them musically at all. And he's a music genius. Or major. Y'know, whichever. (Basically, I really highly respect his opinion.)