Got up, went practically downtown to meet Amalie for lunch at Pei Wei (that I couldn't find for ten minutes, yeesh), then rush back through traffic on Kirby (effffff youuuuuu Houston construction traffic, effff youuuuu) to work at the J.
Sorry, that was just my lack of soul crying out to the universe. Ken and Stanley are both breathing down my neck, I'm having to do a whole bunch of stuff I don't know how to like moving lane ropes and setting up chairs and stuff and thank god for Ellen. She knew the drill and basically shadowed me and helped me through the whole ordeal. Once Ken and Stanley left, most things went swimmingly (except for the cascading disappearances of guards, YIKES that was making me feel like I was going plumb loco). Clean up was a bitch and a half, but got done within normal time constraints.
Downside to all this was, I was intending to go down to Surfside tonight and hang at the bonfire/guard party thing, but I can't even muster the energy to drive to go fill up the car with gas, let alone an hour drive plus drinking. So none of that, booo. As I told Zach, "I haven't sunk into oblivion recently," and I'm kinda gettin' that feeling like I want to.
ANYway, going to 59 Diner with Abby and Zach (and probalby Yixin) to reward myself with a milkshake and some deliciousness.
You’re a 90’s kid if....
You remember watching:
[x] Kenan and Kel
[x] Doug
[x] Ren & Stimpy
[x] Pinky and the Brain [Narf!]
[x] AAAAAAAH Real Monsters! [Me and my dad loved this show!]
[x] Rocko's Modern Life
[x] Animaniacs
[x] Gargoyles
[x] Hey Arnold
[ ] Out of the Box
[x] Bear in the Big Blue House
[x] You’ve ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!"
[x] You just can’t resist finishing this . . ."In west Philadelphia born and raised..." [unfair advantage to BHS kids, it's like our anthem]
[x] Step by Step
[x] Family Matters
[ ] Dinosaurs
[x] Boy Meets World [Sorry, hated that show]
[x] Full House
[x] The Magic School Bus [I always wanted a Ms. Frizzle.]
[x] Wishbone
[x] Reading Rainbow [!!!]
[ ] Ghostwriter
[x] Batman the Animated Series [yessssssssssss]
[ ] Aladdin
[x] Ninja Turtles [I think they started my love affair with pizza for me.]
[ ] Hey Dude
[x] Salute Your Shorts
[ ] You Can't Do That on Television
[ ] California Dreams
[x] The Original All That [Back when Amanda Bynes was the youngest member and that shit was awesome.]
[ ] You even know what The Round House was
[x] The Adventures of Pete and Pete
[x] Nick Arcade
[x] Double Dare
[x] Guts
[x] Legends of the Hidden Temple
[x] Are You Afraid of the Dark
[x] Clarissa Explains it all
[ ] One World
You watched the original cartoons of:
[x] Rugrats [I remember the days when there were literally 10 episodes that came on over and over again. So does my mom.]
[x] Wild Thornberrys
[x] Power Rangers [I used to jump off the furniture. Not gonna lie.]
When everything was settled by:
[x] rock paper scissors [Still is, at the JCC.]
[x] bubble gum bubble gum in a dish [how many pieces do you wish?]
[x] miss mary mack [mack, mack, all dressed in black, black, black, with 24 buttons, buttons, buttons all down her back, back, back]
You collected:
[x] Beanie Babies
[ ] Pogs
[x] Pokemon cards
[ ] Carebears
[ ] Silver dollars
You remember:
[x] When it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons [Oh, those were the days]
[x] Reading Goosebumps [scared the SHIZNIT out of me]
[x] When kick ball was something you did everyday [Ahhhhh... elementary school]
[x ] You used to listen to the radio all day long
[x] just to record your FAVORITE song of ALL time on a tape. [DUDE YESSS]
[x] You remember Super Nintendos and Sega Genisis [I still own my SNES. It's a prized posession and nothing you say is going to change that.]
[x] You remember The Original Game Boy [I wanted one so bad! My cousin got one.]
[x] You always wanted to send in a tape to America’s Funniest Home Videos...but never taped anything funny.
[x] When Yo-Yos were cool
[x] Those Where’s Waldo books.
[x] Eating Warheads and Splashers Gushers
[x] You remember Ring Pops [Remember? I still eat Ringpops.]
[x] If you remember when everything was "da BOMB!"
[x] If you even know what an original walkman is
[x] You remember boom boxes vs. CD players.
[x] Making those little paper fortune things, and then predicting your life with them {God, I did that the other day with another kid. wow]
[x] You had at least one Tamagotchi, GigaPet, or Nano, and brought it everywhere you went [I was just thinking how much I missed that little egg shaped keychain.]
[x] All your school supplies were "Lisa Frank" brand. [YES! They were so cute!!]
[x] Everyone watched the WB [Best. Saturday. Morning. Period.]
[ ] Wanting to be on Guts
[x] Wanting to be on Legends of the Hidden Temple or Nick Arcade [OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE, IT'S THREE GODDAMN PLASTIC PIECES!!! If you watched, you know what I'm talking about. And I am still convinced I would kick ass on that show.]
[x] Doing the Urkel
[x] Having a Skip-it [OHMYGOD, I totally forgot about those!]
[x] Trapper Keepers [I was sooooo upset when my mom stole mine.]
[ ] When Neil Patrick Harris was still Doogey Howser
[x] When everything was Nerf [OR NOTHIN']
[x] The original Super Soakers
[x] Having a Slip and Slide
[x] Only having metal playground equipment
[ ] Having New Kids on the Block...anything
[ ] You remember the lucid Paula Abdul
[ ] Will Smith's "Summertime" was your summer anthem...and still is. [It is now, but it wasn't back in the day for me.]
[x] When everybody knew all the Pokemon by heart.
[x] "Talk to the hand"
[x] When digimon was still on.[I liked this better than Pokemon after a while, seasons and 1 and 2 were "da bomb" fa SHO.]
[x] You went to McDonald’s to play in the playplace and it was still sanitary.
[x] Before the MySpace frenzy
[x] Before the Internet & text messaging.
[x] Before Sidekicks & iPods
[x] Before PlayStation3 or X-BOX 360
[x] Back before X-box, period
[x] Before Spongebob.
[x] When light up sneakers were cool. [I've owned several pairs over the years, oh yeah.]
[x] When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs [I also used to rent SNES video games!]
[x] When gas was $0.95 a gallon.
[x] When you recorded stuff on VCR [Hey, I still do. Ain't got no fancy-schmancy technologicalized dee-vee-arr crap.]
[x] You had slap bracelets. [Fuck to the yes I did.]
[x] You actually played outside until it was dark
[x] Way back before we realized all this would eventually disappear.
Post this if you smiled at least more than 5 times. And if you remember at least half the stuff on here.
Re-post with the year you were born: 1990.