Dec 01, 2005 21:44
Today was much, much better than yesterday. Thank you for those encouraging words. I dare those girls to say one word to me about it tomorrow in class.
I'm feeling proud of myself. Pride, one of the seven deadly sins. Heh. I managed to score 100 on my last math test and I memorized the trig. stuff for my circle quiz, which is tomorrow. I'm finally learning trig!
I skipped the tennis tryouts today. I wonder if it was the right thing to do. There's really no point in joining the team since I'm moving, but if I made the team, wouldn't that be great?
I started reading the diary of Anne Frank, and it immediately became apparent to me that she was a much better writer than me. Her entries read like a story. It's coherent and total strangers can follow her life without much difficulty. She came off as a little boastful, but I would have loved to meet her. She's confident. I need to finish reading that diary. I need inspiration.
If anybody wants to know, the Japanese American who played Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid died recently. While I'm sick of hearing jokes about "wax on, wax off," I'm sad to hear that he's gone now.
I still need 2 hours and 45 minutes for Beta Club. I've got paintings to finish. I'm thinking about doing a small comic for Maddox's site, although I have no idea what to draw.