Looooong Survey

Oct 05, 2008 09:14

Letter A!
What is your AGE? 27
Have you ever been ARRESTED? Nope.
What kind of things ANNOY you? Other peoples’ loud music, cat poop, an empty fridge, a bag of bread left open on the counter, attorneys.
What makes you ANGRY? I’m not sure, actually…it takes a bit for me to get angry (as opposed to “annoyed” or “frustrated”).
Have you ever been bitten by an ANT? I had a bunch of little red ants get on my hand and sting.
Who is your favorite AUTHOR? Probably George Carlin, actually. All of my other faves have written at least one book I didn’t care for.
Have you ever been on an AIRPLANE? Yep. Plenty of times.

Letter B!
Are you afraid of BEES? I avoid them and tend to panic if one ends up in the car with us.
When is your BIRTHDAY? September 9, 1981
Do you have a BEST friend? I have a few.
Do you drink BEER? Gag. No.
Do you like to go to the BEACH? I do! I don’t get to go there often, but I sure enjoy it.
What is your favorite BEVERAGE? Probably Dr. Pepper. Although I can’t have it right now. At the moment, I’m enjoying decaf pumpkin pie lattes

What is your BIRTHSTONE? Sapphire

Letter C!
What is your favorite kind of CAR? My Toyota Celica!
Favorite CANDY? Mr. Goodbar miniatures (not the big ones, mind you - the miniatures!)
Who do you really CARE about? My husband, family, cats, friends, unborn baby

Do you like CATS? I love my cats, yes.
What is your favorite kind of CAKE? Double-layer yellow with milk chocolate frosting.
What CARTOON did you like as a child? The Smurfs

Letter D!
What is your favorite DESSERT? Tiramisu, lemon meringue pie, or my favorite cake (see above)
Describe a DREAM you can remember: Lately, they are too bizarre to try to explain.
Do you like DISNEY movies? Yes
What DAY of the week is it? Sunday
Do you like to DAYDREAM? Quite a bit, actually.

Letter E!
How do you like those EGGS? Over easy on top of a short stack of pancakes with a side order of hash browns and toast.
Have you ever been to the EMERGENCY room? Once. Ended up being a total waste of time.

Letter F!
Do you like watching FIREWORKS? If I happen to catch them, sure!
Would you ever be a volunteer FIREFIGHTER? I’ve thought about it, but probably not.
What do you like to do for FUN? The Sims 2, journaling, reading, cuddling with kitties, watching TiVo-ed episodes of “Forensic Files” and “The Brady Bunch”
Have you ever been in a FIST FIGHT? No, but I did pull a kid across the classroom by his hair once.
Are you FUNNY? Some people say so, but I don’t make an effort to be.
What is your biggest FEAR? Losing my husband.

Letter G!
What is your favorite brand of GUM? Big Red
What is your favorite board GAME? I’m not a HUGE board game person, so I probably don’t have a favorite. I am pretty fond of the Beatles Monopoly game that Bob bought me for my birthday, though!
What GRADE are you in? N/A

Letter H!
Are you afraid of HEIGHTS? Depends on where and how high.
Who was the last person you HUGGED? My husband
What color is your HAIR? Light brown/dark blond (bleh)
Do you have any bad HABITS? Oh I probably do, but I don’t notice them. I’d have to ask my husband.
Do you eat HEALTHY? HA!! At the moment, not really. For some reason, healthy foods just don’t sound good.
Are you HAPPY right now? Oh, sure.

Letter I!
Do you like to chew on ICE? Not really. It hurts my teeth.
What is your favorite ICE CREAM flavor? Mocha Almond Fudge or Neapolitan.
Have you ever been ICE SKATI​NG? No

Would you live in an IGLOO if you had to? Obviously, yes.

Letter J!
What JEWELRY are you wearing? Wedding ring on left hand, Grandma’s ring on right.
Know any good JOKES? Not really, no.
Do you know anyone who has been to JAIL? I deal with them on a daily basis.
What is your favorite flavor of JELLY BEANS? Almost any Jelly Belly flavour.
Do you keep a JOURNAL? Yes

Letter K!
Have you ever seen a KANGAROO? I don’t think so.
Who was the last person you KISSED? Shadow, on his head

Do you remember KINDERGARTEN? Yep
How many KIDS do you want? Right now, I’ll be happy just to have this one turn out healthy
Afterwards, who knows?

Letter L!
Do you like to eat LOBSTER? Yes, but I hardly ever have it.
Do you like LEMONS in your tea? Yes!
Have you ever rode in a LIMO? Nope.
Do you like LIMA BEANS? If they are bathed in butter, I enjoy them quite a bit.

Letter M!
What is your MOM’S name? I’d rather not say. It’s a pretty unique name.
What is your favorite MOVIE? As always, I can’t answer this question.
Have you ever seen the show MONK? Yep, and I liked it.
Do you want to get MARRIED? I did, and I am!

Letter N!
Do you have a NICKNAME? Nothing other than shortened versions of my name. If I’m in a particularly sassy mood, Vi calls me by my last name.
Do you prefer NIGHT or day? Whenever I get home from work is my favorite time of day.
What is your favorite NUMBER? 6
What is your NAME? Jennifer
Do you wake up from NIGHTMARES? Usually, yes.

Letter O!
Do you like OATMEAL? Very much!
Do you prefer to be OUTDOORS or inside? Depends on the weather.
Do you like swimming in the OCEAN? I do, as long as it’s not too deep/cold/rough.
Are you an ONLY child? Yes. Well, I have two sibs by marriage

Letter P!
What do you like on your PIZZA? Favorite is either cheese or with mushrooms and olives!
Do you have any PETS? Oh boy. 3 cats (Shadow, Elly, Tori), 4 bettas (Spock, Tuvok, Sarek, Beckett), a tank of tropical fish.
How many PIERCINGS do you have? 5
Do you like to take PICTURES? <3
Do you have any PHOBIAS? Falling out of a boat, losing everything in a house fire, my cat running away, losing my husband.
Do you like PEACHES? Yes

Letter Q!
Would people say you’re a QUIET person? It depends on who you ask. I don’t make much of an effort to get to know people, but when someone gets to know me, I can talk his/her ear off.
What is your favorite QUOTE? I don’t really have one. It would probably be some smart ass remark from a Mel Brooks movie.
What does a QUAIL egg look like? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one, actually!

Letter R!
Do you like to READ? Very much, although I kinda stink at making time to do it lately.
Have you ever been kissed in the RAIN? Yep!
Name the most RECENT thing you did: Finished a glass of chocolate milk.
Are you REGISTERED to vote? Yeah.

Letter S!
What is your favorite SEASON? AUTUMN!!!
Do you like SEASONED fries? Yes.
When do you take SHOWERS? At least every other morning. My skin dries out really easily so I try not to overdo it.
What is your favorite television SHOW? I love a ton of shows.
Have you ever had SUSHI? Yes. Didn’t really care for it, but it wasn’t too bad.

Letter T!
Are you TAN? A little of my Arizona/Nevada tan still lingers.
Do you have any TATTOOS? Nope. Always wanted one, but never been able to decide on what to get.
What TIME is it? 9:45am.
What was your favorite place that you TRAVELED? I enjoyed the brief time I was in Las Vegas. I’ve really enjoyed Hawaii. Of course, going home to Southern California is always fun too

Are you TICKLISH? Yes.

Letter U!
Will you let me stand under your UMBRELLA? I dunno…my umbrella’s pretty small.
What song does this come from: I just made you say UNDERWEAR? “Pinch Me” by Barenaked Ladies.

Letter V!
Where’d you go on your last VACATION? Arizona and Nevada.
Are you a VIRGIN? Uhhh *points to swelling abdomen*

What is your favorite VEGETABLE? Spinach or potatoes.
Do you take VITAMINS? I take my prenatal vitamins every night

Letter W!
What was the last game you played and WON? I am a pretty good partner for the Scene It games

What is your favorite sport to WATCH? The only sport we have on TV at any time is baseball. It’s probably my favorite. I’m not a huge fan of watching sports.
Do you drink bottled WATER? I bottle my own to decrease waste. <3 our Brita pitcher.

Letter X!
Have you ever had any X-RAYS? Nothing other than dental x-rays and ultrasounds.
Do you play XBOX? I’ve never touched one.
Have you ever played a XYLOPHONE? I tinkered with them in band.
Do you have XENOPHOBIA? No.
Have you ever seen the X-FILES? Yes, a few times.
Do you take XANAX? Nope.
Have you ever heard of XENA the warrior princess? Yes.

Letter Y!
Do you like YOGURT? I do, although it’s hard to find yogurts without aspartame in it.
Who was the last person you YELLED at? Probably one of the cats.

Letter Z!
Have you ever been to the ZOO? Yes! I like going to zoos. Well, most of them.
ZIPPERS or buttons? I prefer buttons. Buttons are cute.
Do you know who ZEUS is? A Greek God and playa.

[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
I’m not labeling it as “The Controversial Survey”, but why wouldn’t I re-post this?

[02] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Hell no. I’m legal guardian to too many children whose parents have fallen victim to it.

[03] Abortion: for or against it?
I don’t think I could ever undergo one, but it’s not my place (or the government’s place) to tell women that they can’t have one. I don’t like the idea of partial birth abortions, though. An abortion to me would be a decision that I would make very early on in the pregnancy.

[04] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
I’ll admit that if that president was Sarah Palin, I might have some concerns, but failing merely because the president is female - no.

[05] Do you believe in the death penalty?

[06] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
It’s not something that really affects me, so it doesn’t matter to me.

[07] Are you for or against premarital sex?
I lost my virginity at 18 and I was not married. I considered having sex with my boyfriend at 17 but wanted to wait until I was in a better relationship and wanted to wait until I was of legal age. It was the right decision for me at the time and I don’t regret it. I made the decision knowing the risks and knowing how to protect myself. I didn’t feel that I was given the green light to go sleep with a bunch of guys simply because I knew what condoms were and because I’d been educated in safe sex. I think it’s each individuals’ decision, not mine.

[08] Do you believe in God?
Ehh…not in the defacto Christian God, no. It’s a long story.

[09] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes. I absolutely do. I don’t feel that it would in any way affect my marriage or that my marriage needs “protecting” by not allowing same sex marriages. The homosexual community has not been given a fair and equal legal option.

[10] Do you think it’s wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
I can understand the influx of people, however I would prefer it if they would learn English and immediately start taking steps to get legal citizenship.

[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
It’s her decision - does she have support from her family? Would she be able to make it through school? Was it the result of a rape or incest? I can only really think about what I would have done. I probably would not have kept the baby, as I was waaaayyyyy too immature at 12 and I wouldn’t have wanted my parents to have to raise the child.

[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
I’ve never really been a drinker. I did have a little bit with extended family before I was 21 but only got wasted ONCE and I was almost 20. I think that there are kids that would drink if it was legal at 18 and kids that would lose interested because it WAS legal at 18. It’s not really something I’ve put a lot of time or thought in. The legal age in Hawaii is 18 (or at least it was a few years ago) and I didn’t see a lot of drunk teens staggering around Honolulu.

[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
I don’t think we should have ever gone there, at least not in this capacity. I can understand wanting to help another country establish some sort of democracy, if it’s their idea (not ours), but I’m not so sure this war really was a good idea.

[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
Once again, I think it’s up to the person who wants to undergo euthanasia. As a child, I watched my grandmother painfully die from melanoma. She began getting moles on her eye balls and was in constant pain. I’ll admit that I wish there were times that I wished that this was an option for her, because there was no way that she was going to live and what kind of life was she living, nearly comatose on pain killers and unable to even open her eyes, let alone talk with us?

[15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
I was spanked and I turned out fine. I didn’t feel as though I was abused. I was a very hyperactive child and my parents would swat me on the butt once if I was out of control and not paying attention to what they were trying to tell me. Most of the time I was doing stupid shit that wasn’t safe. I do believe some parents go overboard and whack and whack and whack when multiple whacks aren’t really necessary or effective.

[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Probably not.

[17] Who do you think would make a better president? McCain or Obama?
Hell if I know. I liked John McCain the last time he ran for the presidency, but he’s lost his luster with me.

[18] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
I doubt anything I’ve said in here will make me lose friends. I’ve got some pretty open-minded friends and I wouldn’t want them hanging around me if they really felt that my beliefs were that difficult to accept.

Originally published at lovinglyWORN. You can comment here or there.

bloggyness, survey-ness

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