Apr 30, 2005 18:38
Yeah for a good past couple of days!! Lets see...
Yesterday was dedication day so that was a load of fun. I woke up, took my mom to work and then AJ came over. He ate breakfast, I got ready, then it was off to school! Because of the gay parking, I was late to english so I decided it was a waste to go, specially because Honor Band didn't have class so I sat around with Andrew, Katy B, AJ, and Hayden instead. I went to the ceremony for the first time ever and it was actually kinda not so bad. I sat with Katy B, Gabby, AJ and Andrew, so it was all gravy. Went to Calculus for like, 15 minutes... there were a whole 5 people there... then I went to lunch and came home and hung out for awhile!
Then last night me, Hayden, AJ and Dani went to Chilis for dinner. Of course, we some how manage to get yelled at by people but oh well. Good times. Then we went and saw Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, which wasn't bad by any means, but it would've been much better had I not been on the verge of passing out the whole time. Afterwards Dani and AJ came over and we did nothing until Dani's mom came and AJ went home.
I slept in till about 11:30 this morning, got up, took a shower, and got ready to go out to Hayden's new house. AJ picked me up and we went over to the Beauchamps, played around a little then left. Yay for an hour drive, but it was totally worth it. The house is GORGEOUS! It's big without being too big, and the rock/colors are so pretty! The pool is going to be SO awsome. I'm totally spending my summer out there.... then we TRIED to go to Gruene for lunch, but of course Hayden drove an hour in the wrong direction before admitting he was lost. But it was fun none the less. Once we got going the right way, we stopped by his dads office (LOVE THAT MAN) and then finally got to Gruene. We kinda had to rush to eat but it was good, and then we got candy at the drug store and headed home.
It was totally fun, although having to rush to get AJ home by 6 made it a little... well, rushed! But not bad at all, and its not like we would've had much more to do anyways.
So thats been my weekend so far! Tommorow's going to suck some because I have church, then work for my dad some, and then I have to study for my AP Calc test thats on Tuesday... on top of all that I have to clean and get Olga to start tailoring my prom dress, so it'll be a not so lazy day for me. But oh well it'll be good to get most of that stuff out of the way.
Yay for all my problems going away and everything fixing itself!! I deffinantly can't wait for prom/graduation/summer... although not so much for banquet next weekend. I don't know its just not that appealing to me this year... hopefully that changes some. Well I'm pretty much exhausted, and even though I doubt I'll be going out tonight, I think I need a nap. Have a good weekend babes!!