Apr 28, 2004 01:02
what a nice day. :)
me and lizzy went to first period... then left. she had a 'doctors appointment' (i wrote the note for it) and i was at the 'blood drive'. we fell asleep in my living room until 1130 then i took her bak to school. i went to see shannon for a little while at her work. she cut her finger on the some garbage, i felt bad but shes ok. then i got char and we met up w/ kyle and robert and had subway. good tymes all around.
we had a game today... AND... WE... WON. oh gawd, i can't believe that we won. lol. its nice to win. but it was a close game AGAINST FUCKING OAKLAND MILLS. that is wack as shit. then off to work as usual. it was so slow. i must have made like 20 dollars. lol. oh well. cuz i was happy cuz a lot of people visited me.
first while my parental units were there char and gaby came. :) i saved them a lot of money. hehe I WIN.
then kyle and mike came. it amazed me how much mike didn't even faze me. heh... we are 'supposed' to chill tomorrow but we'll see what happens w/ that.
at like 10ish shannon and nadia came up. Y IS SHANNON SO GOD DAMN CUTE? heh... yepp. i am trying to get off work saturday so i can go w/ shannon to see nadia in a drag show. that should be fun, at least i think it would be.
i love friends or people that hug u a lot. like mike did, shannon did, and even nadia did and i don't even know her except we have talked a couple times in the past. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when people give me hugs... especially shannon.