lots of shit on my mind

Apr 26, 2004 22:22

i got a lot of stuff on my mind i guess u could say.

first off... stuff w/ 'liking' people. shannon started texting me friday and ever since then all i wanna do is talk to her. i went to visit her at work today and she looked so cute. i love how her hair is, she looked so good w/ it. i don't care who reads this anymore, yeah i like gurls. i like guys a lot more often, but i like gurls sometimes too... especially this one. i can't even really figure out exactly why... i just do. it wasn't like when i saw her it was like WOO HOOO even b/c i was nervous and she is kinda quiet anyways, but i liked sitting talking to her for the little while that we did. and she did the cutest thing last nite... she came up to my work, but thought i still had my car so she left, but she had written a note that said i hope u feel better and have a good nite (something along those lines) love, shannon. and i was like awww when she told me, cuz i did see her jeep there but i had forgotten what it looked like til she reminded me. no, i dont think she does these things to flirt, i think she is just a nice person... but it makes me like her more. iunno, im not expecting things, cuz we don't really know eachother too much, but yeah, u know. so im not saying im like OHHH GAWWD I LIKE SHANNON, im just saying, i eventually could, u see? heh.

THEN theres the 'love square' w/ me danielle kyle and MIKE. duuude he is hot. and i KINDA like him. hes a nice guy and hes hot, anyways... if u know me, u know the love square, a bit of a mess, kyle is supposed to bring mike to see me at work tomorrow nite, so we'll see what happens w/ that....

and while writing that i was thinking about how i like shannon, not mike. she's an all around good person... while he is sketchy.

anyways... on to other stuff... SOFTBALL. im fucking sick of it. i feel like everytime i go im wasting more of my life away. which then makes me think about fieldhockey in the fall. and how much i DON'T wanna play it. but i feel so much pressure to play. yeah, i suppose im good at it, but i hate running, and is it worth going there for 15 hours a week for 2 hours a week(games) of fun? for some reason i wanna say no. OF COURSE we all know ill play, im just saying that i wish it was easy not to. bak to softball... no one on the team really WANTS to be there. we all always just wanna leave. yes i LOVE the sport, but that doesn't change the fact that i feel like this team is a waste of time. its over in about 4 weeks or less... so that isn't TOO bad. ill be happy when its done w/.

school has also become a sickening waste of time, i wanna do ONE THING, just ONE, that has anything to do w/ ANYTHING that could be useful. but as i always here 'this is the best time of ur life so enjoy it' so i will. i mean i am DEFINENTLY pretty sorta kinda happy right now. i wish i had someone but other then that things are good. at least i have a lot of great friends now. and i love them all to death. especially char, gaby, lizzy, kyle, and robert. those kids ROCK MY WORLD.

anyways... im content on life... so im gonna go talk to people now.
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