Merlin AU Fiction: "Shadow Images"

Feb 21, 2013 18:44

Title: Shadow Images
Author: Clare_Lupin
Pairing: Merlin/Mordred
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4150 words
Summary: Fiction answering Anon’s Prompt on Mini Merdred Kink Meme: ‘Modern!AU, reincarnation. Mordred and Merlin meet each other in the future. They start dating but, when their memories come back, they start worrying about how their story ended in the past and how they don't want that to happen again. Bonus points for fluffy happy ending and NC-17’. I didn’t manage the NC-17 rating but I hope you still enjoy it, Anon!
Spoilers: For 5th season
Warnings: none
Thanks: A big thank you to 11greenoranges for betaing this for me. The story is a lot better for her great suggestions!

Story here

character: merlin, genre: au, work: fanfiction, character: mordred

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