Merlin Reverse Big Bang rec

Feb 15, 2013 08:38

I had the amazing pleasure of beta'ing  planejane's A Thousand Whispers, which alby_mangroves illustrated.

YOU MUST GO READ IT. It's about 25K long and just gorgeous. It's a Mordred story with the endgame being Merlin/Mordred/Arthur.  PJ is brilliant. Alby is brilliant. It's a match made in heaven. Just go. NC17.  You can thank me later:)

Also, it fills that KMM prompt that someone wanted based on a picture and Mordred is in the middle:D

Mods, please let me know if this is not ok to post here.

character: arthur, work: art, genre: hurt/comfort, character: merlin, genre: angst, work: fanfiction, rating: ma, character: mordred

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