Pictures and Inspiration - Lay Me Down So

Sep 11, 2011 17:00

I use a lot of pictures to inspire me and give me an idea of how character's faces look in different lights and, if I'm lucky, what they look like with different amounts of dirt on them.

Woobie John

Here's a bunch of John, who has, next to Rodney, the most woobie-ish face ever.

In this one, his face is a little dirty. He has the expression he might have on Skandar, where he is constantly worried about Rodney. And maybe he looks a little feverish here.

Worry, worry, always worried. I think this might be what he looks like in the mess hall on Atlantis, when he's just punched Rodney and wants to be arrested.

I love his face like this, it's shock and surprise and dismay, all rolled into one.

Here he is hurt and down for the count. Yeah. I looked at this pic a LOT while writing this story.

Oh that HAIR. I've never seen anything like it.

Here's John's expression when he finds out about Ghent from Rodney's mission report, and NOT from Rodney.

When John Says "Yes" To Rodney.

I don't know...this one, he's somehow so sweet, beneath all that swagger.

Woobie Rodney

This is Rodney's expression when he's worried about the kehks, when he's back on Atlantis.

Here he is, pretty, pretty, pretty Rodney.

I found a few of Hewlett in another role. I'm not sure which one, but he gets bashed and battered, so I took them
to look at...

Oh, he's in love. This is his expression when he sees John walking down the corridor with his marines.

Happy, happy Rodney! John just said yes!

Oh no! Rodney's dealing with Ghent!

Here he is, dirty and dusty and completely messed up. Which is the way I like it.

Woobie Boys

I like pictures of Rodney and John together and can't seem to find many that are this clear.

Here's another one. It's rare to find them looking so directly at the camera.

What the boys look like wet....

And what the boys look like WORRIED.

The Third Camp and Skandar

This is what a tumbrel looks like.

This is a picture from the movie "The Way Back," which I only watched for the gulag bits.

Here is some Second Camp bread - Believe it or not, this is a picture of gulag bread, that I got off the internet. Here's the link:

This is a picture from a museum about gulags in Latvia

Here's a picture of gulag prisoners. Or it could be one of loggers...which, at the start, was going to be the setting for the story. It changed.

More of an interior from a gulag museum. Not the one in Latvia.

Gulag prisoners breaking rocks. Guess which scenes this single pic inspired?

Here is the gulag fence.

Iced Brownie

I have a thing for iced brownies, the kind that a school cafeteria makes, which is why Rodney likes them, and John too.

What Was Going to Be the Cover for the Soundtrack

I'm not so good with Snagit, but I had fun putting these pics together. Turned out to be too busy for a soundtrack cover.

This is the pic of John that I had a fun time working with, putting in textures.

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sga atlantis big bang mcshep research, lay me down so

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