Soundtrack Post - Lay Me Down So

Sep 11, 2011 10:37

Lay Me Down - The Frames

The title of the fic is Lay Me Down So, which implies, in my mind, a desire to be handled gently.  On a whim, I googled the title, and came up with this song, from a band that has such a lovely, sweet sound, even to the point of saying exactly what I needed it to say, “lay me down, lay me down.”

And if you wanna stay with me
Then let me know before it's light
I will recoil myself
Into the black and darkest night

And lay me down
In the hallowed ground

Make You Feel My Love - Adle

I have recently re-discovered Adele, when someone sent me a link to her live performance of Someone Like You, which was the most riveting thing I have witnessed this year. But, in 2008, I heard this song, Make You Feel My Love, with its poignant strains and the desire the singer expresses to take care of someone. Which, in my mind, reflects Rodney’s desire to take care of John.

I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

Follow Me, Follow You - Genesis

Part of being Rodney is that you have a very distinct idea of what your role is and what you should be doing. The way I figured it, when Rodney ends up on Skandar, all that gets thrown out the window, and the only thing he has left is his sense of self in relationship to John.  Hence this song.

I will follow you will you follow me
All the days and nights that we know will be
I will stay with you will you stay with me
Just one single tear in each passing year

Save Tonight - Eagle Eyed Cherry

This song is far too chipper for the dark places in this story, but it is one of my favorites. Plus, the lyrics seem to describe John’s determination that if he dies, when “tomorrow comes to take me away,” and they throw him through the ring, that Rodney should do his best to survive. (Here's the official vid on youtube, just for fun.)

There's a log on the fire
And it burns like me for you
Tomorrow comes with one desire
To take me away

High Enough - Damn Yankees

This song is from John’s POV, what he’s really feeling, and his hope that his relationship (and sex!) with Rodney, will help John (after their return to Atlantis) forget how much he feels like a failure. (P.S. I’ve always loved Dennis Young, he was the prettiest member of Styx, and then there was that hair of his. And bangs.  He gives me a real girl hardon for girly bangs on a guy. If you want to see those bangs and that mouth of his, click here.)

Can you take me high enough?
Won't you fly me over yesterday?
Can you take me high enough?
It's never over, yesterday's just a memory
Yesterday's just a memory

Somewhere Only We Know - Glee

This song is a paean to those private moments that Rodney and John share both during their stay on Skandar and when they’re back on Atlantis. (To me this song also reflects Glee’s ability to make some songs more accessible than the original version.)

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go? So why don't we go?

Songbird - Glee

When I first heard the Glee version of this song, I was in tears, and thought it would be the perfect way that either Rodney or John would express how they feel. That is, if they actually said how they feel, rather than talking in circles around it (John) or babbling (Rodney).

For you, there'll be no more crying,
For you, the sun will be shining,
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right

Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy

This song came to me via a McShep vid by perkin127, which became part of my daily mantra while writing the story because it exemplified Rodney’s confusion when he and John return to Atlantis, and he keeps reaching for John, but sincerely believes that there’s no hope for what any of what they had on Skandar to continue.

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

Why Walk When You Can Fly - Mary Chapin Carpenter

The songvid to this song by Rache and Sandy was one of the reasons I got into SGA in the first place, because of the lyrics and the idea that you might suffer from time to time, but that’s no reason to stop moving and doing what you love. I especially love the lyrics towards the end “you’ve a soul for a compass and a heart for a pair of wings.”  As it relates to the story, it seems to talk about Rodney’s willingness (and ability) to turn his back on the horrors of Skandar, and to keep the connection that he and John built between them.

In this world there's a whole lot of cold
In this world there's a whole lot of blame
In this world you've a soul for a compass
And a heart for a pair of wings
There's a star on the far horizon, rising bright in an azure sky
For the rest of the time that you're given, why walk when you can fly

Sunlight - Dave Cook

This is John’s song to Rodney, because he feels so lost after the events on Skandar, he doesn’t quite know what to do, so I always like to imagine that Rodney’s proposal that they be together comes as the solution that John didn’t know he was looking for.

I'm going under,
So tell me what to do.
I've got nothing to hold on to.
Let me fall for you.

I’m In Love - Maria Mena

I first heard this song in a Merlin songvid by an unknown vidder. However, I thought the song was the perfect upbeat all-out love song to decorate the end of the story, which is drizzled with kisses and happy, mushy, love stuff. It also could be about the scene where Rodney brings John iced brownies and coffee and finally tells John what he wants. (The vidder dedicated the vid to Lisson17, but that's all I know; if you can help me credit the vidder, I'll be glad to update this post.)

We never looked so pretty
We never seemed so real
I'll let go of myself now
and tell him how I feel

Another Sunday - Jefferson Starship

I saw this songvid by Jessicaflowne some years back, and since then I have marveled at the vidder’s ability to juxtapose a fairly cheesy song (from a band that had sold out) with a sci-fi show, and make this marvelous thing that kept drawing me to SGA even as I resisted.I include it here as a paean to her vidding skills and my love for this vid.

We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

Life Less Ordinary - Carbon Leaf

The songvid Four Years by Fabella (wistful_fever) is of the songvids that drew me to the SGA fandom kicking and screaming and holding on till my fingernails were clawing marks in the floor.  It really doesn’t relate to my story at all (it's fun and upbeat, for one thing), but I love it, because in this songvid, John falls in love with Rodney, in spite of himself, which is the way it should be.

The night you came into my life
well it took the bones of me, took the bones of me
You blew away my storm and strife
And shook the bones of me, shook the bones of me

Man of Devotion - Fool’s Garden

This song is included because of a great songvid called  Men of Devotion, which is by JulesVids, because it never, ever fails to make me laugh. In it both Rodney and John attempt to convince the other one of their love, the proof of which is their devotion. It’s a lot of fun to watch, with good clips and fast pacing. As it relates to the story, of course, it’s way too upbeat, but it describes Rodney’s devotion to John, even when John is unconscious.

I will climb the highest mountain for you
And I will cross every ocean
And finally you´ll have to give in
Yes I´m a man of devotion

Ready for the Storm - Deanat

I love Tira Nog's SGA fanfic, especially An Affair to Remember and Resilience, and I was so very pleased to find she makes songvids too. And this one, Ready for the Storm, is about John, who is likened to a sailor at sea, getting ready for the storms to come, which is all the bad things that happen to Atlantis. Along the way, he finds his "lighthouse," which is Rodney. If I had had the time, I would have liked to have used this songvid for inspiration for writing John's pov in my fic. At the very least, I can include the song, and credit the vidder, in my soundtrack for the pleasure it has given me.

Distance it is no real friend, and time will take its time
And you will find that in the end it brings you near a lonely sailor
But when you take me by your side, you love me warm, you love me
And I should've realized I had no reason to be frightened 
This entry was originally posted at

atlantis, lay me down so, soundtrack, atlantis big bang

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