So About that SPN Big Bang

Sep 13, 2010 20:41

So about that Big Bang for SPN this year. Every year I ask myself the same question, and that is, what do I have to say about the Big Bangs? Every year I contemplate giving feedback, and every year I don't. That's because sometimes, feedback isn't welcomed. Sometimes the writer just wants to write a really big, whopping story and be done with it. They don't care about feedback. And sometimes, people who give feedback get whomped on. Which isn't very fun.

So this year, along came the spnanonmeme. I don't know if it existed before this, or if the thread for the Big Bang is new this year, or what. All I know is that I seriously contemplated taking the time to give feedback anonymously in the anonmeme. And then I thought...why would I take the time to give honest feedback, and not sign my name to it. I mean, already, my online name is not my real name, so I'm already hiding behind a mask. Must I hide behind two masks to make a statement?

It seems like the anonmeme thread about the Big Bangs might be in reaction to the same feelings I've had - I've tried to give feedback and have gotten my hand slapped. Although, truly, I can understand someone just wanting to write a story and then be done with it, and some people can't take critical feedback, and if I leave it in their journal or write to them privately, it fails, and I fail, and it's miserable for everyone.

Back in the day, I got some hard feedback from a very well respected fan. She told me my story lacked depth because it seemed I had distanced myself from it. I was a bit hurt, but I did my best to absorb what she was telling me. But that was back in the day, when I knew her and she knew me, and people took the time to listen and communicate ideas, without there being this whole attack mode when someone disagrees with you that seems to go on all the time these days. So yeah, I get the anonmeme, totally.

But I don't want to be silent anymore, when I have things I want to say and share. If I didn't want to share, I wouldn't have signed up for an account. I figure, when I'm talking about a story, I'm not attacking anyone, I'm not making it personal (at least on on purpose) and I want to talk about the writing. Why can't I do that?

Anyway, I came across someone's LJ, where they were talking about the Big Bangs for SPN for this year. And at the top of their rec list (or maybe it was just a regular post that included Big Bang recs) she (or he) made this disclaimer, that went something like, "If you've found your name using an LJ search, then you might find I've read your story and had something to say about it, both good and bad..." and she went on to say something simple about how it was her right in her own journal to make such a comment. I thought it made sense, and I'd like to include a link to the journal, so if you know, let me know, and I can thank this person properly for inspiring me.

At any rate, the bottom line is that I would like to talk about stories in my journal, to keep track of what I read and why I liked it or didn't like it. I want to remember what I read, and think about it, rather than swallowing stories down whole. I don't know any of these writers personally, so my comments are going to be about the writing, always about the writing.

Anyway, that's it. I'll be making comments on stories that I read.

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rec, spn big bang

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