(no subject)

Aug 10, 2009 18:27

Hello all. Sorry for the no posting. Works been crazy busy, but in a good way. Brother and sister-in-law are now gone. Thankfully no one killed anyone, but there were those moments were it was close. Now I'm trying desperately to catch up on True Blood. I'm still four episodes behind. Grr.

On brighter news, I saw G.I. Joe. I found it rather decent. Not the greatest movie ever made, but nowhere near as bad as the critics made it out to be. It was exactly how I thought it would be, so I'm happy.

Also, while hiding out from the extended family, I decided to bite the bullet and start watching Doctor Who. I've fought it for years (although now I can't remember why), but fairandbright is always talking about it so I thought: "What the hell. One episode won't kill me." Oh how right I was. One episode turned into four and me almost late for work. I'm in the middle of season two now, but oh is it fantastic! My love for Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper has now grown leaps and bounds. I miss Eccleston though. Thank you fairandbright for exposing me to this.

Speaking of thank yous, xtremeroswellia you rock! I mean it Angie, I was having a good day from selling a bunch, but receiving the Superman postcard made me even happier. It's currently hanging on my cork board with my NaNoWriMo winners award and my list of story ideas. That's a coveted spot.

Twenty-five days till Dragon*Con!

work, doctor who, true blood, family, dragon*con, tv review, movie review, brother

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