1. I got my first actual Christmas Card today from
essawkward! Thanks so much, Essa! I love it- it's really cute :D
2. I've also finally gotten caught up (as much as LJ would let me) with the flist! Hurrah! I didn't want to post until I was fully caught up.
3. I've been filling out cards and addressing envelopes as well. I plan to have them ready to send out on Wednesday.
4. If you want a card or letter but didn't not sign up yet,
here is the post where you should do so! I really don't mind sending you one :)
5. I might not be on later tonight because I have a study group to go to for a huge test tomorrow.
6. I got some backdated comments today, so if you left me a comment somewhere and didn't get a response it's probably because I don't know you've left it. I promise I'm not avoiding you.
7. Umm...I was trying to keep this going until 10 but I don't have anything of substance to say...how boring am I? XD