Jan 09, 2006 20:45
A girl close to my father was basically beaten within an inch of her life. She's not dead yet, but has a 50/50 chance of living. That disgust me. How could you do that? This girl had so much going for her and now she might not even fucking live. Shit like this is why I get so pissed off and how much people are so consumed with themselves. These past few weeks I haven't been so depressed because a guy decided he didn't like me anymore. It's been two years since Trent died, going on three years since Andy killed himself, Kyle just killed himself last week. My brother got a knife pulled on him and death threats. His girlfriends crazy ex boyfriend has been threatening them and she's scared. For the first time in years I saw my brother break down. I have never heard fuck be yelled so much in my house as I did last night between my brother and dad. This is a portion of what has been going on in my life. This is why I have no fucking symathy for people who there biggest problem is "Oh I'm so miserable because the love of my life this week doesn't like me" Mine fucking hung himself from a tree. Get the fuck over it and grow up. There is so much out there. Atleast your still alive. Only you can make yourself happy.