Apr 11, 2004 10:01


Wow, amazingly wierd dream last night. (Raz, Emily, Skylar, keep reading) but first, my hot tub has officialy reached 104 degrees! It reached 100 last night so me, Kelsea and her friend Sophie all just dove in and sat there. You all must come over. BUFU you too! Anyways, I'll be opening my Easter basket/giant partybag soon because I'm a dork. So here is my totally fucked up dream. A little sketchy but perhaps someone knows what it means.

So, I walk into this giant restraunt that looks Golden Pavillion meets McDonalds. Very hot. I walk in and it's like black inside (outside it's a sunny beach sprink breakish scene) and it looks amazing. It's like a punk rocker concert. I see Emily running over to me and asks me if I"m excited for the wedding. Apparently she is getting married after prom. She is wearing a green yellow red dress (like in her icon thing) and her hair just is sort of down but it looks so cool. Raz walks over with like this cut up black lace dress on which is artfully torn. I looked kind of frumpy in jeans and a T-Shirt. I knew no one there except Emily and Raz. I think I felt bad because I had no gioft so I offered to help. So I kind of catered, like I was running back and forth to the counter getting Chinese food and fsat food. But, we were running out of money so Raz like squeezed my shoulder like kung fu or something so I would pretend to faint and get free food (I honestly don't think planned it through very well) and I went all weak. I kind of passed out but I was still concious. Some really big guy was holding me so I wouldn't hit the floor. I was really weak but he was like holding me/groping me. It was some joke but I didn't think it was funny but I was too weak to do anyhting. So I had to go through 5 more minutes until I started to get stronger so I just kept kicking him and punching him until he dropped me. So I stood up and watched him walk ver to Emily. He was the groom. I just kept apoplogizing and saying how dumb I was. He kept laughing goodnaturedly and said it was ok. He and Emily kissed and looked happy and I guess I looked like a jackass. I asked Emily what time the wedding was and she said 8o'clock (spelling?) but that I had to leave now. I asked why and she pointed to the guest list. It was like those neons signs in a guest list. It said junior semi formals and then there were all these famous people. So I wished them a happy life said goodbye to Raz and went outside on the sandy becah scene thingish again. Skylar was out side and he grabbed me and said he needed me now (BUFU) and we laughed our asses off. Then he went back to the beach. I guess I was having a mid-teenage crisis because I started to cry because my friend was getting maried and I wasn't. Then, I woke up.

Does anyone know what that means? I'm amazingly confused. Wierd. Anyways, I opened my Easter giant gold bag and I got cool shoes, a hot outfit, a hotter hat, adorable froggy pjs, candy and some other cool crap.Yay mommy!

I love you all. Adios!
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