Oy "Mother Fucker" Vei

Mar 22, 2004 20:46


I had to fucking get that out. So I woke up and did the RLs about 12 seconds before class. Fuck, I hate Mr. Scozzaro because he is such a fucking prick! Fuck. All my classes were blah. Looking forward to History class really badly. Denebola is too much. Too much. Too much. I"m talking to Katie right now because she is so cool and kicks the ass. I love you hunny and I hope you feel better and your nose is sexilicious. Oh, I miss Kingsmont!

So, really fucking bored right now and I'm going to go finish homework. Sick of this piece of shit world. Went out to dinner with Eddie, Tricia, Kevin and my mom and brother and sister. Because Kevin is leaving tomorrow. He got two sweet tatoos, a celtic cross with our name and a celtic chain on his leg. It's really cool. He just left!

Oh my God, the most fucked up thing happened! Mr. Paglia went nuts on Whitney which was total bullshit! Such a butt fuck! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Then, I have to clean my room and read Ophelia Speaks by Thursday and I don't even have it yet! AAAAAAHHHHHH! Oh my God! Wow, this sucks. And I didn't sign up for Leadership and Diversity because I didn't talk to Mr. Newman. I wish I could have taken it. Oy vei. I honestly hate english and I wish Mr. Scozzaro would rot in hell. I don't know a single fucking student that can even tolerate him. Look you all know me as the girl who would run to English because I lo9ved it and now, I hate it. He really has destroyed my favorite class and I hope that fucking joke knows it. I really do. I really think about Ben a lot. I can't help it. I really can't. I had this wierd dream only it was like a day dream. Okay, we were on the freshman cruise or at least how I invison the freshman cruise. We were dancing or grinding or something. After the song ended, I like pecked him on the cheek and turned around. Then I like stopped and he asked me if I really did like him. And I said yes. He stood there for a minute and I asked if he liked me. He said he didn't know. And I just kissed him. But not like gross (like Romeo and Juliet chewing on eachother for all those in Mr. Scozzaro's class.) like, special, like you felt like it was your first kiss special. Like it was nice. But when I kind of snapped out of it, I felt depressed because I know that's not going to happen. I really like him alot. He's just such a beautiful person and I can't do it, I can't stop liking him. I'm really lonely. This sucks. Love stinks.
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