Mar 10, 2009 04:49
I'm going to procrastinate my homework for oooooooooooone second.
It's 5:50am. I've been doing homework since 11pm yesterday. I only procrastinated a little on facebook (my activity is testament to this truth haha) and a little eating dinner (Like an hour-ish).
So far I have:
- Written a 5 page paper on Hell in the Inferno and the Aeneid
- Memorized both Japanese and Latin vocabulary
- Studied for Japanese structure quiz
I'm currently:
- Studying for my Homer exam
I still need to:
- Review Latin synopsis again and vocab.
- Study for Athens history quiz tomorrow
This is so pointless ahhhhh. I'm not sleeping tonight. It'll be my first legit all-nighter-no-sleep-for-me. Other nights I've gotta about an hour or so of sleep just because I got bored studying. haha.
I've had four cups of coffee today.
I'll drink two in the morning. Then crash after eating lunch around 3pm when my classes are over.
I dig the new Metric album which was leaked two days ago.
But some of it I just didn't like. O_o
And the lyrics they chose for Gimme Sympathy are NOT as good as some of the touring versions. =(
no sleep