Apr 19, 2005 16:30
I FUCKING HATE BEING FAT! YUcK! monday i bingED agaiN! liek this past week has been by far tHE WORST! i like literally ate my heart out till the point of extremely bad stomache cramps! and i gained like 9-10 pounDS!its sick. im seriously like at the point where i want to take a knife and like cut off all the fat on my body. gross. and so last night when i weighed myself i was 135.5 and now im like 134. i havnt had anything to eat today and if feels sooo good. tomorow i have to eat so im going to trryyy and eat barely anything and throw up or do the dark cup trick or..something that doesnt require me to eaT! and theres like 18 more days till i have to go to a swim after party and i want to be liek 110 by then so thats like 1 pound a day. im only gonna eat liek around 100 cals a day,(150 is the max)if i have to. meaning like if im about to collapse i can have like a low cal energy bar but other than that im gonna try to eat nothing and just drink water everyday. okay well i have to go