(no subject)

May 29, 2011 21:37

 Lovelysnake's ultimate list of male attributes she finds attractive and/or drop-my-panties-worthy in no particular order. This is what manga has done to me.

1. Homicidal tendencies
2. Outrageous and unnatural hair color
3. The ability to walk on ceilings
4. Spell things backwards
5. Use a katana
6. Be able to disappear in flash
7. Able to kick massive ass
8. Must be willing to wear bells in hair
9. Must be seven feet tall
10. Must have impenetrable skin
11. A bitchcurl
12. Must be able to pull off a waist sash or obi
13. Must never wear a shirt
14. Lack any sort of morals
15. Must repetoire of really cool poses
16. Must be able to grow a mullet spontaneously 
17. Must have a cute scowl
18. Must have ridiculous eye color
19. Must be very hot-tempered or absolutely emotionally constipated
20. Must have either a scar with a really awesome story or a tattoo somewhere oddly placed
21. Must be able to pull of hakama (really, really low hakama)
22. Must have enlarged canines
23. Must have an insane/homicidal death grin
24. Must be able to rip out spines with his bare hand
25. He must, under any and all circumstances, sparkle.

ANNNND, TOO MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS. Huzzah. Leave a comment if I left anything out.

utter rage, rant, wtf, neenja, felony, original shiz, zomg, sigh

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