Needs coffee.

Apr 24, 2011 16:44

My life has been so crazy lately, its been great to stay home over spring break. I've slept more in a week than I have in nearly two months. Oh, the pleasure. Going to bed at three AM and waking up at noon.


Just finished my Sophomore Writing Project research packet ten minutes ago, which is good - considering its worth 20% of my grade. I just felt like doing absolutely nothing this week. The play took up so much of my time, I forgot what it was like to not be stressed. Its been so long since I posted here, I guess I forgot to tell you guys that I got into the spring production, Steel Magnolias.

If you've ever seen the movie or the play, you should know who Ousier is. Well, that's me. If you haven't seen it, Ousier is a 65 year old woman living in Louisiana who hates men, vegetables, and the world. She has more money than God and a dog named Rhett. She is always angry at something or someone.

My friend's find it hilarious that I don't even have to act. Meh. I guess that says something about my personality, even though I like to think of myself as witty rather than crotchety. Oh well. I have fun making myself a nasty old woman every night.

Me without make up after the show. Chillin' at Denny's at two AM. (Clairee is the one with her tongue sticking out.)

Before the show with M'lynn. I hate that wig. SO ITCHY. Ugh.

I have more pictures - an especially funny one of Opening Night - but I don't want to spam you all, so this is it for now. I hope everyone had a good Easter, if you celebrate it, and so on. :D

[EDIT: Oh, and Phe, if your reading this, I have nearly half of the next chapter of Stumble done. Just trying to figure out if I should have a good amount of our Akatsuki in it. We shall see.]

utter rage, rant, neenja, zomg, sigh, felony, stfu bitchface

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