Dec 18, 2010 16:16

 I've had a pretty stressful week, but I figured I'd post something other than angst on here for once. So. I am going to make a list of ten good things that have happened this month - hopefully before Genius man comes to pick me up for the gingerbread house making contest.
  1. Started talking to Complainer again.  Sort of. Still working that out.
  2. Aced my World History exam.
  3. Had several people recognize my artist skillz.
  4. Been called adorable exactly thirty-six times.
  5. Realized my freckles are fading.
  6. Painted my nails - thumbs silver glitter, the rest plum.
  7. Got a rose.
  8. Watched Johnny Bravo for the first time in years. ("HOO-HA BABY!")
  9. Splashed in puddles.
  10. Recieved my informational packet for the Art University of San Francisco.
Not too shabby, eh? c:

writer's block, the boys

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