Bury yourself in a hole for me.

Dec 04, 2010 14:32


Its the end of the Fall term at DO and I am feeling the pinch. Grades will be out in two weeks - official, college-bound grades - and I know they will be up, I know they will, but I still feel the crushing anxiety that comes with doubt. What if one of my teachers enters something wrong? What if I crash and burn on my final's?

Good Gods, I'm driving myself insane. Not only is it Final's Time, but its Christmas Time. I can certainly learn to hate the four-by-four system we have at school. Cramming a years worth of knowledge into four and a half months is insanity. And life has a way of kicking you when your down, doesn't it?

i.e: I woke up this morning, prepared to finish all my French 2 homework and get ready for Brielle's Christmas party - but when I walked downstairs, Mother was crying and telling me that "the cat's have to go." Apparently, the boy's (my new kitten's I may or may not have mentioned on here, William Charles Pierre the First and Mellow) are turning into Tom's and peeing everywhere.

Her boyfriend, Codename: STFU, did not like that very much. He demands that they go. I was understandably distressed. This is our house, not his. Douche. I can't talk to him. I know that if I do more than stand there and stare at him blankly, I'll explode like I did on Batshit StepMother. Knowing how that turned out, I'm going to try my best to ignore him. Mother says that we'll get them fixed and see what happens, but if they don't stop they "need to get the fuck outta here." (STFU, speaking.)

I hate him.

So. That kind of brought me down. (My babies being sloughed off to some stranger or euthanized in a shelter? Try eating breakfast after that.) But, I finished my homework to try and get my mind off of it and I'm spending the night at Brielle's and goddamnit I'm not getting rid of my cat's, you asshole!

Rant over.

On a better note, I watched Old School for the first time last night and loved it. Funny as hell. And I started on Christmas gifts, because I don't want to stress out like I did last year when I waited until the very last minute to do everything.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving/whateveryoucelebrate and an even better Christmas Countdown started. Oh, and if anyone happens to remember what Future Foe Scenarios is, then you'll be happy to note that I've started the (massive) corrections and the next chapter.


ffs, utter rage, rant, wtf, sigh, stfu bitchface, harry potter

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