the weed becoming the rose ; 23

Jun 15, 2011 17:14

 the weed becoming the rose
chapter twenty-three | where is taemin ?
minjung/taemin (girl!minho/taemin)
PG-15 ~1488w
it was her time, her turn. taking a simple drop of water, from the ugly and unnoticed weed she became the elegant and poised rose.

{ prior chapters }

surveying the beige wall across from her, black eyes shifted restlessly, her patience cutting short while she waited. minjung huffed, honestly- she had been waiting here for a near thirty minutes already outside taemin's class and he had yet to surface from it. she turned her head quickly at the sound of the door clicking open, in hope to find taemin but instead finding the teacher herself.

"miss young?" minjung asked, her surprised tone had the teacher furrowing her brows.

"ah, minjung-sshi. to what do i owe the pleasure?" miss young asked, locking her door before walking towards the young girl, hands shuffling slightly while she placed papers into a folder.

minjung shifted uncomfortably under the stare of the professor, teeth biting her lip- a pure white surfacing on the pink hue. "is taemin there?" she asked unsurely, eyes moving behind the teacher's shoulder.

miss young's eyebrows rose quite high at the question not to mention did she miss minjung's growing redness.

"lee taemin? no, he had not arrived nor has he actually have this whole year." minjung sighed, giving off a slight smile to the professor.

bowing her head, she took a step to the side to depart. "thank you, miss young."

passing the professor, minjung made her way back down the hall from which she came from an hour ago. she came across a slight intersection in the corridor, she looked from her left to her right before proceeding ahead. minjung shook her head worriedly, where was he?

he had promised her he would attend his class, so where the heck was he?


she let out a long sigh, extending an elegant arm to her cellular phone, she took a peek at the blank screen.

no messages, no calls - no nothing.

closing her book, she rolled off her bed, placing the book on the side as she made her way to the door. hesitating to take the knob into her hand, she grabbed her jumper, throwing it onto her arms and once she took her phone she had come to the decision and was out the door in a second.

escorting herself out of hale, she clutched her arms protectively around chest. her body reactively shivering at the bitter cold from the fresh fallen snow. with the icy white crunching below her soles, she breathed out a moan of affliction. the airy mist blew her bangs up then back down within a slow second. her eyes strayed to a lone figure walking towards her, it was gwiboon. two cups of steamed coffee held in white cashmere mittened hands. wisps of grey swirled above the two styrofoam cups, warm and crisp. the feel just taunted minjung who was nearly freezing in her boots.

"unnie?" minjung tilted her head to the side as gwiboon abruptly thrust the cup into the chestnut beauty's bare hands.

gwiboon gave her a small friendly smile, eyes rolling at the girl's innocent tone. "here, your fingers are turning blue."

minjung giggled, ghostly air releasing from her pink lips that soon covered the brim of the white cup. gwiboon nodded before walking past the girl without another word. minjung turned, eyes dropping as the older girl walked further away. a sad, fleeting emotion filled her.

"unnie.." she whispered, regretting not listening to the older woman, but it was too late now.

turning back around, minjung made her way across the courtyard. feet sinking low into the cold, white crystallized earth. she stopped short in front of the small cafe next to the library, she entered. the warmth was quick to swarm her, eating her as if fought off the biting cold that the ends of winter brought. minjung walked to the back of the small room, ignoring most of the lustrous stares and curious glances, and obliviously scanning the room, missing a certain black head that continued to watch her.

she placed the coffee onto the tabletop. taking her seat, she immediately laid her elbows to the brown wood, eyes down casting. still drooped from before, she closed them as she found it had been three whole hours since she last seen taemin and she hadn't heard from him since this morning. the disappearance of her lover was driving her crazy. this was her first time that she hadn't been able to get into contact with him, which was odd.

she lifted her head, eyes opening slowly. a dark shadow was cast over her, and to her astonishment she hadn't heard him creep up.

she hid her head in her hands as her eyes widened with embarrassment.

"changmin oppa?" she asked uncertainly, eye-lashes batting at the young man who stood in front of the adjacent chair from her.

he gave her one of his eye-smiles, head nudging to the empty chair. minjung nodded rather dumbly, well- who wouldn't in this situation. the shim changmin was not only one of the hard-to-get males at the academy, he was also the president, leader of the honor society, student council, chess club and plenty more that minjung couldn't exactly remember at the moment. he was the ideal man for most of the female population at their prestigious academy and the fact that he was asking to join her only added to her surprised stance.

minjung giggled, hoping the charismatic tingle would avert the awkward glances she was giving. "oppa - sit, sit." she said breathlessly.

changmin took the seat, unknowingly to minjung- he had moved the chair closer to her. close enough for his fingers to lightly brush her wrist.

she smiled, not noticing the approximately of the distance nor the touch. "what's up?"

changmin shrugged, throwing an arm casually behind minjung's chair, hand softly pulling her closer to his torso.

"i saw you in the window and thought, hm- i haven't talked to my dongsaeng in a while and decided to drop in." he winked at her smirking, "and i'm glad i did."

minjung cocked her head to the side, she could sense a hidden meaning behind his words but couldn't quite comprehend what it was. "and why is that?"

changmin shook his head foolishly, he looked away as if he couldn't bare for minjung to see his face flushed a beet red. "you wouldn't believe me if i told you."

minjung rolled her eyes, hitting his arm playfully. a gracious, welcoming smile appeared on her lips, turning the pink bows upwards. "try me."

changmin turned his head to her, the distance between the two of them got immediately smaller minjung had noted. she blinked obliviously, "oppa?"

he smiled at the reference, white pearls gleamed from beneath pink flesh. his eyes crinkled as a husky chuckle left from deep in his throat.

"you've changed minjung-ah."

minjung's forehead contracted ripples of lines, creasing and deepening all the while she frowned. the words were a much deeper meaning to her than to what changmin had intended. they were truth and the way she looked at the words, they were not good.

"yah- don't frown. i did not mean it in a bad way. i meant you've changed for the better, you're a lady now. not quite the minjung i met when i first enrolled here."

a blush crept to her cheeks as he loomed closer, she could feel the warmth of his breath against her cheek. her face turned white, a ghostly pale had coated her entire face unexpectedly.

she pulled away suddenly from his embrace. eyes darting frantically as she tried to keep her cool, tried to maintain her breathing and the beating of her frantic heart that was threatening to leap from her chest. this whole ordeal was wrong, her mind was screaming at her.

she smiled bashfully at changmin who looked utterly confused at the hasty withdrawal. tucking a hair behind her ear she took a stand.

"oppa, i just remembered- i have a previous engagement to attend to. mianhe." minjung bowed her head respectfully and turned for a rapid exit. her eyes caught a flash of black messily made hair retreat out the door as she neared the same door, the exit to the cafe.

taemin? she questioned before bolting out the door. the cold flew against her strongly as she stopped short. the sky had darkened to the evening black. the lamps along the cobblestone walkways were lit and alive with fire.

the breeze hit her brutally while she turned her head from left to right, searching for him. a frown became embedded onto her lips as she realized she was alone in front of the small restaurant.

her breathes came out short and white as she treaded back to hale, a sniffle made her nose itch.

"taemin.." minjung whispered, the tone was lost and quiet.

she felt the first batch of crystals fall to her shoulders. looking up, she could already see them scatter around her.

but all she couldn't see was the lone figure a few feet away, watching.

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pairing: girl!minho/taemin, shinee, fic : the weed becoming the rose, fanfic, 2min

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